My Hip Hurts

We slept in for reals today. Just awesome. 9. Really. I mean that is amazing. Did I say 9? Fantastic. Makes my 6am call tomorrow doable. I can say something Bogey-like, like “we’ll always have Sunday”. Or something.

Out of the ordinary Sunday, we went for a hike before breakfast. Way out actually.

Drove across town the Regional Park above the American River. About 20 mins from the house. Lots of trails there. I had picked out a trail called Cardiac Hill. Named such due to steep switchback trail that drops 847 feet to the river in under a mile. Well, good as that may be, we could not find the trailhead so I had to settle for the Cardiac Bypass trail. Sounds medical and was boring. We hiked two miles or so, up and down the hill

s above the river. But never got to the river. On our way out, in the parking lot, I ran into a park ranger who pointed out where the trailhead was. She gets a merit badge. Next week we are doing the real Cardiac trail. Unless it’s raining.

What to do now? We are cold and starving! We went out to brunch. Marika has called earlier and wanted to go to but when I called her she was not ready.

We headed into Old Town, closest habitation to us and went to first place we found: Edelweiss. Great menu, great food in a pleasant atmosphere. I do like it. We all like it. There must be more than ten breakfast joints in this town. Shows you what the aged demographic of Auburn likes to do. Go out early for a meal. Well, we do and we did and it was nice.

We went home and got cleaned up. Marika texted and asked us to go to the movies at 430. With her. So we stepped up our speed since we are headed downhill to run errands and now need to be back for the cinema in a timely basis.

Em and I headed to Roseville. I need a pair of pants and I have a $50 card to use to buy them. We went to that store, I found some pants and done. I am a man of decision. Next up, stopped at the home supply for my special charcoal for the BBQ. Now out of time, we headed for the movies. We did not get to Emily’s errands. Out of time. Too bad. Time for “Knives Out”.

We met up with Marika in the parking lot of the theater. She had only been home a couple hours. Went in, bought the tix and popcorn, half off for natl popcorn day, and got our seats. The move is a kind of old fashioned murder mystery like Agatha Christie. Very silly, funny, confusing and solved in the final frame. Thumbs up from us.

After movies we went home to make dinner. With a quick stop to pick up a salad. We have soup at home, made, leftover. Needs a salad to make it whole.

After dinner, a little bad TV. By the fire. A beautiful end to the day. Not quite an end, I will read in bed. Then sleep.

Saturday Somewhat Ruined

Ok. Not ruined. Rearranged. Saturday is a day to sleep in, late breakfast with paper, late shower, finally get dressed and now at noon ready to do something. Except we are having guests at 1230. So morning was sped up. So we could clean the house and get clean and dressed before they arrive. Rearranged.

I should give a shout out to Marika. She made cinnamon rolls last night and we had that for our breakfast. One ripe banana in a black bunch.

Our little party is the carry over from last Friday’s basketball game. As you all may remember, several of the folks I was with last Friday invited themselves to my house for a pre party. All their idea. I went along with it. The next party is at Knee Deep Brewery at 2. Hence we are a pretty party. The 2 o’clock is an engagement party. I am willing to bet there will be an after party as well. I’m not going.

Just sitting and waiting for the crowd. Probably traveling together so as to create a bar rush when they arrive. 8 cocktails at once?!! What will I do.

The black cat has returned to my side. When Jaxon passed she stopped coming to bed with me. Something she does like clockwork. She has been avoiding me. Today I seem to be her friend again. Cats are weird.

Ok. Still not here. I am way ready.

Well, the crowd showed almost as one. Five did. An hour late. They have no respect for clocks. Which really showed when they left at 430 for the next party which started at 2.

Back to my place. We did the party thing. Everyone drank cocktails, ate all the food, and sat around telling stories about people who weren’t there. Especially stories about the groom (next party is his engagement) and others. All off color. The folks who came over are almost all in there 20s except for one in his late 30s. So they put away the booze and food like it doesn’t matter. Sort of like me in my 20s. I am glad to be past that.

A couple more people showed up while we were sitting around. More of the same. Twenty somethings.

Now, I know most would think I should know who is coming over to my house. I only actually knew three of them. The rest were going to The Grooms party and my house was just the pre party. No big. I meet new people.

So, we just whiled away the afternoon. Eating and mostly drinking. Em and I did not drink. We aren’t 20 anymore and have a lot of life experience telling us to not start early in the day.

The pre party broke up about 430. I went with the kids to the engagement party while Em stayed home. She doesn’t know anyone and would rather skip it.

For some strange reason, bride and groom wanted a party in Auburn at a brewery. Neither is from here. But, here it is at Knee Deep Brewery. Party was in full motion by the time we arrived very late. Maybe a hundred guests. Lots of loud music, food and beer. I ran into several people I knew and had not seen in a long time. That’s always fun. Catching up with old friends. I was surprised by how many people I knew. I was not invited but I know a lot of people and I know the groom well.

I stayed at the brewery long enough to talk with everyone I know and meet the bride and all the essentials. Had a glass of wine. I left after an hour.

Sad thing is, all this party stuff ruined my Saturday. I had a good time but Saturday is for errands and chores. I like my Saturday that way. And Emily is the same. I suppose once in a while it’s ok and this is that once. Still, I gotta do my Saturday on Sunday.

Back home, I arrived about time to make dinner. I tried to get Emily to go out and run errands but she was ready for sitting around and watching TV. So, we made dinner and watched TV. That’s the exciting Saturday night for us. She is asleep on the couch next to me. It’s her pre bedtime ritual.

End of Week

It really is Friday. Oh boy. I have nothing exciting going on today. I do have a phone call with a finance guy to close out a big case. Been three years work. I’m not excited but it’s huge.

This morning I worked out. Alone. Marika, again, declined to join me. She is still depressed about Jaxon. And uses that as the excuse for not working out. Like anyone needs an excuse.

my workout was tough. I am sure to be sore all day. No trainer so I workout alone in silence. This is truly my preference.

After exercise, and since I am a softie, I stopped for coffee for me and Marika. I hate to reward her for lying around.

Hey, I forgot, I drove the race car today! It’s been raining so much it’s been sitting. Today was sunny.

Got my expected finance call while driving to work. Got three minutes into the call and needed to add my associate Hal. Hal begged out and said he would call in a few. Which he never did. So deal still not closed. And I’m not paid. Fuck.

My day was normal work. Only excitement was a trip to the bank. Just a whole lot of nothing. And I went to school for this.

At least a little excitement on the way home. I stopped to ship a package. That’s fun. Stopped at the grocers for a few things. Left there and received a text from home with a shopping list. So I’m gonna stop at the next grocery for that. Stopped at the pet store to return all of Jaxons diapers, pads, and Rx food. $115. That dog was expensive. Had a really nice conversation with the cashier at PetSmart. Her family raised Cockers and she was thrilled that Jaxon made it to 16. Her family never had one go past 11. She really knew Cockers.

Off to Auburn, 25 mi. Pleasant driving with no traffic. Got to Safeway very quickly.

Safeway was not crowded so I was able to get the few items requested. Filled the hand basket quite well.

Raced home. Dinner was ready except for the hot dog buns I brought. We are having chili dogs tonight, good and good for you. Wine was already open. What a great combo. Dinner was great, Emily is tired Marika is depressed, I’m fine thank you. Dinner was still pleasant.

Marika is making cinnamon rolls now. She is taking them to her boyfriends family. I gave her shit for that so now she is making some for us. The way it should be. I may not eat any but at least she made them.

We are watching TV. It’s bedtime. By we I mean me because Emily is asleep in the chair. Shows over in ten. Maybe I will sneak off to bed and leave her here.

What Happened to Wednesday

In a word, I didn’t blog it, therefore it will never exist. That was more than one word, smarty.

History would like me to present Thursday 1/16/20 to you. From my perspective. So, for history, here I go.

What happened today? Nothing exciting though a couple things out of the ordinary.

Workout at 7. Marika was too big a weenie to get her ass out of bed and go with me. Not sure what is up her ass, two days in a row. Of course, there was Tuesday when we put down Jaxon, her dog and companion the last 16 years. That’s a good excuse.

My workout was self regulated today. No trainer. Surprisingly, the workout was still tough. I am hard on myself.

Back home and not much moving. I got cleaned up, packed my lunch and headed out. Not to work. Post office to ship Michael his b day gift and send Bro in law Vince a pepper grinder he was soft on. The process at the post office was fun. They were out of small boxes so I had to use medium. More $$. Not much I can do. They had zero packing supplies like bubble wrap. So I used their express shipping envelopes, balled up in my shipping boxes. Worked well. I wish the po sold packing supplies.

Went for coffee next. First caffeine in two weeks. Large cup. I was not tired all day.

Followed up coffee with a trip to the plumbing store. The faucet we saw somewhere else, more money, they had in Auburn, far less money. Nice. I like a bargain. Ordered. Done.

Off to work, raining like hell, cold, wind blowing, hazy. What a nice day. Actually, a great day. I’m awake and enjoying the drive.

At the office, my one o’clock was there when I arrived at 1230. He was doing his work in an empty office. He and I ended up having a 2 hour meeting. Followed by another 2 hour meeting with Bob. A client for the last 26 years. I have known his wife since 1976. Yikes. Well over forty years. Yikes. I solved his serious life problems with very old tax issues. 2000 and 2005. He is going to do some work for me at the house as a trade for what I did.

I left for home right after. It’s 530. Drive home very plain and quick. When I arrived home I realized Marika had made dinner. Her reward? I made her a couple cocktails. She works cheap. Emily got home 5 minutes after me.

Marika made tortilla soup, which was delicious. It’s a fam fave. Goes well with the margaritas. Or vice versa. No matter, as long as I have tequila.

Once done with dinner we actually sat around the table shootin the shit. Ya, I know. Weird. But fun. We solved nothing and complained plenty. Dinner was excellent.

Now watching bad TV. It’s a tradition you know. It’s past bedtime. That would be 9. I have to get up at 515. Should be in bed by 915. Yet I’m still up. Time to put an end to that. Bedtime.

Still Tuesday in PST

Today is a bad day. I would love to report all was fine this morning but it’s not. Marikas dog, almost 16 years old, is not in good shape. He has been having serious problems for years but always came back from it. He is having issues with his balance, serious issues. Middle of last night he was starting to have more issues. Woke up he is unable to walk and seems to have other problems. He is going to the vet today to get checked out but I feel there is bad news in the future.

Otherwise a normal morning. Except we were not able to go workout.

Emily went to work. Marika and I were left to take care of things here. With Jaxon in bad shape, still unable to move, we are getting ready to take him to vet. Once we were dressed and vet was open we called and they said come in whenever. An open appointment. We were there on Thursday night before Jax got so bad. They were ready for our call.

On the road. It was tough loading him in the car. His vestibular disease has turned him tipsy turvy. He seems to think up is down and vice versa. He keeps trying to flip over. It’s crazy.

Arrived at the vets near 10. The vet took him in for a diagnosis. Nothing has changed since Thursday. We sat in the front room hoping for a reprieve. We get most hopeful in times of distress.

Well, vet came out and put us in a room. And then came in for the consult. Usually, I expect the vet to give a little bit of hope along with the despair. Today, not much hope and a large dose of despair. She discussed his current condition, and his prognosis. His future is bleak. More than bleak. I can see the writing on the wall, the dog is done. Marika understood quite clearly though I am sure she did not want to. Taking care of another living being requires a lot of you.

We sat in the consult room for thirty minutes, quietly. We both know what’s up but don’t want to commit to such a finality. We did decide to include Emily in the decision. She is at a work training and, earlier, said she would answer her phone. We left a message.

The vet tech came in and cleared us out because of the next appointment coming in. We moved to the waiting area. Btw, in case you missed it, we are alternately crying and blowing our noses. Days don’t get worse than this. Probably why they left us in the private room. Now, with us in the waiting room, everyone can enjoy. We did calm a little while waiting on a call from Em.

We went outside to clear our heads. The clinic is by itself out in the country. Nothing but countryside around it. So waking around outside is very calming. We had a snack from the car stash and a drink. Emily finally called me back. She agreed it was time.

We went back into the clinic and spoke to the doctor. Told her our decision. She gave us a room to use to visit with Jaxon for the last time. It’s so very hard to do just that. Visit. Especially when you know the dog will be gone in a few minutes. We spent 20 mins crying with him.

We finally had to leave. Say a last goodbye. I went to the front desk, ordered his cremation and we left. Marika has he car and went to Dixon to see friends. She did not want to go home. I went to the office. I am already miserable so might as well go to work.

I had a couple appointments, did some paperwork. I can’t really remember. My mind was elsewhere. I worked till 6. Called Emily and told her to meet me downtown for cocktails. Booze is not a solution to problems nor a cure for sadness but it does help you to not care.

Drive home was quick and eventless. I got to the bar and Emily had found parking in front. I circled the block twice and found a space a half block away. Not my day.

Inside Emily was into her first drink. Bartender remembered us from last week. We sat at the bar. Bartender gave us over pours from a few margaritas. This is my reward for an awful day. I drank too much as did Emily. It helped. We had dinner at the bar, taco Tuesday specials. When we finally left the bill was only $30. I tipped her$20.

We drove straight home. As straight as that many cocktails allows. The house is different without Jaxon. First time in near 16 years he isn’t home. I just felt something missing. Marika stayed in Dixon.

We got ready and went to bed. The booze makes it easier to sleep.

Dogs at 45 Tilt

I lived through the 515am call. Lovely. We just love getting up super early. I’m sure you all agree

We are getting back to the grind. Got love that. I don’t. The morning was quite normal. Did all the usual crap while Emily got herself ready for work. She wants to leave by 615. I think she is crazy. Though she did leave at 615. I on the other hand went to work out. I could not leave at 615 because I don’t need to be there till 715. So I read some online crap to kill time. Woke Marika and she decided she wanted to stay in bed. Loser. I went without.

On my drive to the gym I noted my check engine light was back on as well as the traction control light. Gotta call Josh, this is getting old.

My workout was tough. I think my trainer hates me. I am still in pain 12 hours later. No matter. Back at it again tomorrow.

I did have to speed through my workout. I have a dr appointment in Davis at 1030. That’s an hour drive. So I finish working about 830, stretch out, race home and get ready. Which is what I did. And I was still 15 mins late to the appointment. Fortunately my doc seems ok with it. Though he did speed up the appointment to accommodate the next guy.

He sent me off with lab orders. I went straight there after via Starbucks. Surprise, turns out I had a lab order in the computer that I had forgotten about. So the tech drew out extra blood and gave me a take home kit for the part I couldn’t provide at that point.

Off to work. Nice drive to the office. Not much on my work plate today. I can’t even remember what I did today. I went to the bank. The PO. That was thrilling. I did spend six hours here.

Went home around 530. Emily has left work much earlier but stopped in Roseville for her yoga class. I beat her home by 5 minutes. I even got the mail.

Marika is still at her friends place. So I made leftover chicken and Brussels sprouts with pan fried polenta. Sound good? It was.

Marika arrived home just after we finished our meal. I made her a plate. We spent the evening trying to help the dog. He has vestibular disease, being treated, and he walks around the room with his head tilted at a 45 degree angle and running into things. It’s fun. We also watched bad TV. And now, bedtime.

Sunday Again

Today is the last day of Emily’s Christmas break. Which means it’s the last day of my break too. She has to get up at 515am. I do too. I get up to get animals fed, including Emily breakfast and lunch, pack up her car and send her off. So I have to get up early with her. See, vacay is over.

To celebrate the end, this morning we got up, not early, got dressed and drove out to Hidden Falls Park. We hopped on the Hidden Falls trail. Destination…Hidden Falls. You thought something else? The trailhead is about 4 miles from our house. I needed to reserve a parking space (it’s limited space) last night for today. The drive took fifteen minutes. Which seemed inordinately long for four miles.

The walk to the falls is about 3.3 miles mostly even ground or downhill. Which means mostly uphill on the way back. When you’re most tired.

There were quite a few folks out for a hike today. I never felt alone. Of course I had the ladies with me too. The trail is well groomed by bikes, horses and the feet of a lot of people. So, no need to pay attention to the trip for fear of tripping and falling down. The trail itself starts in the open and drops down into a gulch if sorts complete with river. Feels like you are deep in forest with the sound of water and birds. Kinda nice. At the end we came out into a clearer area and hiked down a ways and there they were – the Falls. Nice, not awe inspiring or huge or amazing. But they are our falls so it’s enough. We spent a couple minutes looking at them, took photos, then walked up the hill to a different viewing point of a different set of smaller falls. Again, some photos and viewing. No one else there. Nice.

We went across the river, by bridge, and caught a different trail back. Remember I said downhill all the way there? It was actually uphill all the way back to the parking lot. And quite the haul. But, 90% was on car size, gravel roads. So that part was not so bad. We tricked out as quick as we could, no stopping or resting. Under an hour.

As outings go, this was pretty awesome. I can see it would be a great way to spend pleasant afternoons.

Next up, we hit Starbucks. Because we did not get enough coffee this morn. And I had none. So we coffeed up.

Not much else going today. Watched some football, and the right teams won. Cleaned the house. Cut up the Christmas tree. Like I said, not much. We roasted a chicken for dinner, by we Emily. She cooked up some Brussels sprouts too. I hate them. She loves them. Add on some broccoli ( for me) and it’s a feast. Very good. Marika had to open a bottle of wine, a Bordeaux. Surprisingly good. A little ice cream to chase it. That’s my day.

We are watching TV. Bad TV. As always. Bed will be early because 515am is early too.

Dog Day

Now, where was I? Oh yeah, the dog. Well, weird as it is, the first thing in my mind this morning was not the dog. I have a workout at 730. Scheduled. So I got up, did my morning thing, and went to the gym with Marika.

Great workout, the trainer is trying to advance me in weight amount and intensity. No matter, I seldom find the exercises challenging.

Back home. We discussed where we were taking Jaxon. His regular vet is in San Jose, a 2 1/2 hour drive. One way. I called him, sent him a video of the dog, and we discussed it. Could be any number of things, most bad. Our vet suggested we find a local vet for diagnosis and he would do a phone consult while we were there. From experience we know that the vets in Auburn are an intransigent bunch and we really did not want to try them again. Emily said she would drive to San Jose and Marika reluctantly agreed to go. It’s her dog yet she has to be convinced to go. She was crying about it but still did not want to go. I suggested the vet in Winters near where we used to live and Emily thought that was fine. We called and got a 320 time.

I went to work. I can’t go to the vets since I have two IRS appeals to file today. The statutory deadline is today. So I go to work.

My workday was the usual. I had the two appeals to get done. Which took all day because I was constantly interrupted by something or other. Lovely.

Emily called after 5. Appointment just ended. Jaxon has a massive ear infection causing vertigo and imbalance. Everything looked very serious at first but no. At his age it’s not a small thing but treatable. He should be much improved in two or three days.

I closed up the shop a little later and headed for my night out. I was offered a ticket to the Kings game by a vendor. So I drove downtown to the arena, managed to find parking, and went to a pub outside the arena to meet up with the “group”. The group is mostly employees of the vendor. I do a lot of business with them and this is a reward.

No one I knew was at the pub. I got a drink and wandered. Very large taproom with lots of games. Kinda fun. My contact finally arrived and we joined the rest of the gang whom I had not met. They all seemed to know who I was which I found entertaining. Everyone was drinking so all were happy. We hung out and chatted and drank. The game was in the first period before anyone went to the arena. I didn’t. Four of us went to the BBQ place next door for food and booze.

The four of us Stayed at the BBQ place long enough to drink a couple cocktails and a shot of 1942. We ate some ribs and brisket, beans and Mac. Good stuff. Somewhere near the middle of the third quarter, game was in TV, we headed into the arena. The others got cocktails on the way to our seats, I deferred. I know my limitations.

We joined everyone else, good seats, Kings were losing. I settled in for the game. A couple minutes later the vendors boss stayed to the 15 of us he was leaving at the five minute mark if the Kong’s were down by 15. I just got here and someone wants to leave. Sadly, they were down by twenty at that point. And we left. I saw about 10 minutes of the game. Not how I roll.

We went to a bar a couple blocks away. Mostly a tap room though there was a small bar upstairs. We stayed long enough for me to have a couple glasses. My parking alarm went off so I used that as an excuse to get the hell out and head uphill. Not before I was invited to go to one of the guys engagement party next Saturday. It’s in Auburn at the Knee Deep Brewery. So I say sure, mostly cause I don’t have to go to far. Then four of these nice people decide we are having a pre party at my house. Cocktails at noon plus I need to provide snacks. They decided Charcuterie would be good. Funny how things go. At this point I was out the door.

I got home. The dog does not appear much improved yet. But at least he is not dying. So we are all happy. Marika is out with friends till at least tomorrow. Knowing her she will be out till Sunday.

Emily was in bed. Dog at her feet. I got cleaned up and went to bed.

Last Day

We slept late. Again. It’s a vacation, however short, vacation rules apply.

We did the usual get and go. Ready to hit the road in an hour. Packed the car and left. Our hotel is only a Nike from the Golden Gate Bridge so we left that way, crossing into Marin County and heading north.

The day is rainy and gray. Traffic not so bad. We made good time. I had dropped off my car at the shop on our way to SF. Emily and I drove to my office and she dropped me there. My car won’t be ready till end of day. Emily headed for home. I headed for my desk.

I worked till 5 and Cara gave me a ride to the shop. I do hope the car is completely done by now. It’s spent the better part of two months in the shop since the turbo install started. It takes a lot, it appears, to get a turbo right. I am also having a couple repairs done while it’s there too. I am thinking it may go in for a tune in a couple months.

I got the car and raced home. I say raced because I want to check out the work. The car is running better than ever. Smoot, and quieter too. So far, so good.

Arrived home, the ladies had dinner going. I love it when I don’t have to help with dinner, only eat it.

We had dinner. I unpacked my bag. We all watched a little TV and went to bed.

Usually, that’s it. I don’t report on getting up to pee in the middle of the night. Nothing to report there. I hope.

We woke up at 2am. Our Cocker was shaking violently and unable to walk without falling over. Not normal. The dog is 16. He has had cancer. He had Leptospirosis. He is on heart meds. And liver meds. He has his own drugstore full of pills to take with breakfast and lunch. It’s amazing he has lived as long as he has. Having said all this we really were not surprised. He has issues. But, Emily was a little over the top on it and woke up Marika to add to the mirth. I just wanted to go back to sleep. We managed to get Jaxon calmed and we decided on what we were doing the next day ie who was taking him to the vet. Then we all tried to sleep.

Stay Vacay

This morning, surprisingly, we got up late. No headaches. Emily has a runny nose and a cold coming on. No hangovers. Maybe I wasn’t that drunk.

I was first up. Went to our kitchen and made coffee for the two of us. Because I’m a nice guy, that’s why. We both got ready quite slowly. It’s vacay, I don’t gotta be quick. We took showers, got dressed, watched GMA and Kelly. Finally done we went out for coffee and food. Hopefully at the same place.

Good news, we found a coffee shop nearby. Not Starbucks. Nice place, all seats taken. Coffee was excellent, banana bread was good. We were happy.

We are within 5 minutes walk of the place of fine arts. Since I haven’t been there in over 40 years, and Emily never, we went there. I’ve read a couple books on Worlds Fairs so I was interested in seeing this again. It was built for the 1915 Pan Pacific Expo and is magnificent in size and scope. The arches and monuments are just gigantic. Surrounded by a park with lots of ponds and swans and ducks. The neighborhood around it is also quite beautiful. We spent about an hour wandering around it and through it.

We cruised back to the hotel for a little constitutional. Next up, a Lyft to Ghirardelli Square. I was here last year with Marika to do some Christmas shopping. Today we ended up retracing our steps from that trip. We checked out all that Ghirardelli had to offer – the cheese school, the fancy and weird liquor store, jewelry, etc. It was fun.

We followed the shoreline from there. Stopping at Patagonia and every tourist store between us and the Ferry Marketplace, which was our final destination. The stores on the way have an incredible array of crap and t shirts and socks and whatever. We did buy a jar of awesome horseradish. Hotter than hell. Delicious. Not much else. We had walked a mile and still had a couple to go. We decided to hail a Lyft for the next two miles to the Ferry Building.

Now, I suppose if you’ve never been to the refurbed Ferry Building you might not know how Uber cool all the shops and eateries are. This is where all the ferries dock and drop there passengers. So it can be crowded. Emily and I walked up one side and down the other checking out every single store. We had a blast. Though not much to report on. No purchases, not even food. Still fun.

Time for another Lyft. Back to the motel. We are going to dinner later at House if Prime Rib. A family favorite. We don’t have a reservation, they have none available till March. We are going in early and sitting in the bar till we get a table. At least we will get a drink.

We arrived close to when they open. There was an opening at 530 which is when they seat for dinner. So we sat for an hour. I ordered a Manhattan. Here they bring you the whole shaker so it’s like 2 1/2 drinks, price of one. Emily has a one drink drink. This place has five different cocktails that are double like mine. Love this place.

House of Prime Rib is special. They have one thing they do well. And their menu shows it. Two pages, on the left, 3 cuts of prime rib. On the right side, all the sides (5), and a couple desserts. There is a fish dish, always, off menu. That’s it. Hey, it’s House of Prime Rib. The prime rib is very good. I should mention, they have the largest collection of wine I have ever seen in a restaurant. We bought a bottle. Which we took half home. No drunks tonight. We did take our time and hung out eating and sitting around for a good couple of hours.

After dinner we caught a Lyft back to the hotel. Watched a little TV and went to bed. Big day done.