What Happened to Wednesday

In a word, I didn’t blog it, therefore it will never exist. That was more than one word, smarty.

History would like me to present Thursday 1/16/20 to you. From my perspective. So, for history, here I go.

What happened today? Nothing exciting though a couple things out of the ordinary.

Workout at 7. Marika was too big a weenie to get her ass out of bed and go with me. Not sure what is up her ass, two days in a row. Of course, there was Tuesday when we put down Jaxon, her dog and companion the last 16 years. That’s a good excuse.

My workout was self regulated today. No trainer. Surprisingly, the workout was still tough. I am hard on myself.

Back home and not much moving. I got cleaned up, packed my lunch and headed out. Not to work. Post office to ship Michael his b day gift and send Bro in law Vince a pepper grinder he was soft on. The process at the post office was fun. They were out of small boxes so I had to use medium. More $$. Not much I can do. They had zero packing supplies like bubble wrap. So I used their express shipping envelopes, balled up in my shipping boxes. Worked well. I wish the po sold packing supplies.

Went for coffee next. First caffeine in two weeks. Large cup. I was not tired all day.

Followed up coffee with a trip to the plumbing store. The faucet we saw somewhere else, more money, they had in Auburn, far less money. Nice. I like a bargain. Ordered. Done.

Off to work, raining like hell, cold, wind blowing, hazy. What a nice day. Actually, a great day. I’m awake and enjoying the drive.

At the office, my one o’clock was there when I arrived at 1230. He was doing his work in an empty office. He and I ended up having a 2 hour meeting. Followed by another 2 hour meeting with Bob. A client for the last 26 years. I have known his wife since 1976. Yikes. Well over forty years. Yikes. I solved his serious life problems with very old tax issues. 2000 and 2005. He is going to do some work for me at the house as a trade for what I did.

I left for home right after. It’s 530. Drive home very plain and quick. When I arrived home I realized Marika had made dinner. Her reward? I made her a couple cocktails. She works cheap. Emily got home 5 minutes after me.

Marika made tortilla soup, which was delicious. It’s a fam fave. Goes well with the margaritas. Or vice versa. No matter, as long as I have tequila.

Once done with dinner we actually sat around the table shootin the shit. Ya, I know. Weird. But fun. We solved nothing and complained plenty. Dinner was excellent.

Now watching bad TV. It’s a tradition you know. It’s past bedtime. That would be 9. I have to get up at 515. Should be in bed by 915. Yet I’m still up. Time to put an end to that. Bedtime.