Dog Day

Now, where was I? Oh yeah, the dog. Well, weird as it is, the first thing in my mind this morning was not the dog. I have a workout at 730. Scheduled. So I got up, did my morning thing, and went to the gym with Marika.

Great workout, the trainer is trying to advance me in weight amount and intensity. No matter, I seldom find the exercises challenging.

Back home. We discussed where we were taking Jaxon. His regular vet is in San Jose, a 2 1/2 hour drive. One way. I called him, sent him a video of the dog, and we discussed it. Could be any number of things, most bad. Our vet suggested we find a local vet for diagnosis and he would do a phone consult while we were there. From experience we know that the vets in Auburn are an intransigent bunch and we really did not want to try them again. Emily said she would drive to San Jose and Marika reluctantly agreed to go. It’s her dog yet she has to be convinced to go. She was crying about it but still did not want to go. I suggested the vet in Winters near where we used to live and Emily thought that was fine. We called and got a 320 time.

I went to work. I can’t go to the vets since I have two IRS appeals to file today. The statutory deadline is today. So I go to work.

My workday was the usual. I had the two appeals to get done. Which took all day because I was constantly interrupted by something or other. Lovely.

Emily called after 5. Appointment just ended. Jaxon has a massive ear infection causing vertigo and imbalance. Everything looked very serious at first but no. At his age it’s not a small thing but treatable. He should be much improved in two or three days.

I closed up the shop a little later and headed for my night out. I was offered a ticket to the Kings game by a vendor. So I drove downtown to the arena, managed to find parking, and went to a pub outside the arena to meet up with the “group”. The group is mostly employees of the vendor. I do a lot of business with them and this is a reward.

No one I knew was at the pub. I got a drink and wandered. Very large taproom with lots of games. Kinda fun. My contact finally arrived and we joined the rest of the gang whom I had not met. They all seemed to know who I was which I found entertaining. Everyone was drinking so all were happy. We hung out and chatted and drank. The game was in the first period before anyone went to the arena. I didn’t. Four of us went to the BBQ place next door for food and booze.

The four of us Stayed at the BBQ place long enough to drink a couple cocktails and a shot of 1942. We ate some ribs and brisket, beans and Mac. Good stuff. Somewhere near the middle of the third quarter, game was in TV, we headed into the arena. The others got cocktails on the way to our seats, I deferred. I know my limitations.

We joined everyone else, good seats, Kings were losing. I settled in for the game. A couple minutes later the vendors boss stayed to the 15 of us he was leaving at the five minute mark if the Kong’s were down by 15. I just got here and someone wants to leave. Sadly, they were down by twenty at that point. And we left. I saw about 10 minutes of the game. Not how I roll.

We went to a bar a couple blocks away. Mostly a tap room though there was a small bar upstairs. We stayed long enough for me to have a couple glasses. My parking alarm went off so I used that as an excuse to get the hell out and head uphill. Not before I was invited to go to one of the guys engagement party next Saturday. It’s in Auburn at the Knee Deep Brewery. So I say sure, mostly cause I don’t have to go to far. Then four of these nice people decide we are having a pre party at my house. Cocktails at noon plus I need to provide snacks. They decided Charcuterie would be good. Funny how things go. At this point I was out the door.

I got home. The dog does not appear much improved yet. But at least he is not dying. So we are all happy. Marika is out with friends till at least tomorrow. Knowing her she will be out till Sunday.

Emily was in bed. Dog at her feet. I got cleaned up and went to bed.