My Hip Hurts

We slept in for reals today. Just awesome. 9. Really. I mean that is amazing. Did I say 9? Fantastic. Makes my 6am call tomorrow doable. I can say something Bogey-like, like “we’ll always have Sunday”. Or something.

Out of the ordinary Sunday, we went for a hike before breakfast. Way out actually.

Drove across town the Regional Park above the American River. About 20 mins from the house. Lots of trails there. I had picked out a trail called Cardiac Hill. Named such due to steep switchback trail that drops 847 feet to the river in under a mile. Well, good as that may be, we could not find the trailhead so I had to settle for the Cardiac Bypass trail. Sounds medical and was boring. We hiked two miles or so, up and down the hill

s above the river. But never got to the river. On our way out, in the parking lot, I ran into a park ranger who pointed out where the trailhead was. She gets a merit badge. Next week we are doing the real Cardiac trail. Unless it’s raining.

What to do now? We are cold and starving! We went out to brunch. Marika has called earlier and wanted to go to but when I called her she was not ready.

We headed into Old Town, closest habitation to us and went to first place we found: Edelweiss. Great menu, great food in a pleasant atmosphere. I do like it. We all like it. There must be more than ten breakfast joints in this town. Shows you what the aged demographic of Auburn likes to do. Go out early for a meal. Well, we do and we did and it was nice.

We went home and got cleaned up. Marika texted and asked us to go to the movies at 430. With her. So we stepped up our speed since we are headed downhill to run errands and now need to be back for the cinema in a timely basis.

Em and I headed to Roseville. I need a pair of pants and I have a $50 card to use to buy them. We went to that store, I found some pants and done. I am a man of decision. Next up, stopped at the home supply for my special charcoal for the BBQ. Now out of time, we headed for the movies. We did not get to Emily’s errands. Out of time. Too bad. Time for “Knives Out”.

We met up with Marika in the parking lot of the theater. She had only been home a couple hours. Went in, bought the tix and popcorn, half off for natl popcorn day, and got our seats. The move is a kind of old fashioned murder mystery like Agatha Christie. Very silly, funny, confusing and solved in the final frame. Thumbs up from us.

After movies we went home to make dinner. With a quick stop to pick up a salad. We have soup at home, made, leftover. Needs a salad to make it whole.

After dinner, a little bad TV. By the fire. A beautiful end to the day. Not quite an end, I will read in bed. Then sleep.