
Remember that movie a few years back? Started Kathy Bates and James Caan. Bates won an Oscar. Caan was an author, his car went off the road in snow, Bates found him and kept him captive in her house. Pivotal scene, she had him tied in bed and broke his ankles with a sledge hammer to keep him from running away?

Well, personally, I got that beat. I woke up at 330 am and could not get back to sleep. And I mean awake. I was awake. Not the bullshit people tell you how they got no sleep but really slept fine. Maybe woke up a lot but got sleep. This kind of crap? I was awake. It happens to me infrequently but it is purely miserable. I have gone as long as four days unable to sleep. I don’t mean partial, drowsing, r sting, no. I lie down n bed awake. Or getbup. Or try to read. I said it: misery. I think if I could be guaranteed a good nights sleep the rest of my life, I would let Kathy Bates break my ankles with a sledge hammer. Don’t believe me? Ask me on the third or fourth night in a row.

Ended up getting out of bed at 7. Made breakfast and coffee for me and Emily. Then off to work out. Regular workout today, no specific area. I am still sore as hell from yesterdays visit to the gym. And I’m doing an upper body tomorrow. That hurts too. But, someday, when I am a lean, mean, fighting machine, it will all be worthwhile. Then all will envy me, which is truly the best part.

Got to work by 1130, same time as Frank. He was back for more notarized signatures. He brought his brother in law, Ron. Ron had to sign docs as grantor. Ron also deals in refurbed espresso machines. We had a nice discussion about them and what I might want type I might want to get. Smart guy. Frank will be back tomorrow to sign more docs. He is keeping a strong front on with all these continuing requests for signature and such.

I worked a full day. More tax program set up, and admin work. No actual get paid work done. Sadly. I left the office about 6. Emily not getting home till 715. Cissie was there to pick up her daughter, Trisha and move her to Tacoma. They load up and leave Friday am. Kinda crazy.

Emily came home with salad and steak for our dinner. From the Buckhorn. Always a good meal.

After dinner I drove Cissie to Wal Mart to buy more boxes. I guess they need a lot more than they thought.

Cissie keeps acting like she is never coming back to California. I give her 3 months.

That’s her hiding from the camera as we sit here. Butt head.

That’s her a couple months ago. Still a butt head.

We are sitting and chatting, it’s almost beside bye. I want to go to bed. I only slept till 330 last night. So I am going to bed.