Moving Day

I got up at 7. Earlier than I had to. I wanted to go work out before the big ay. Today is move out day for our tenant, Trisha. Her mom, Cissie, is here to help. The movers are coming at 830. It’s a big day.

So I went off to work out. Had a decent time, worked hard. Last day of the week is upper body work which is not the killer that my lower body workout is. Still tough and it hurts.

Got back home around 845. The movers had blocked the driveway since the truck did not fit. They blocked me out and Emily in. No problem, they’re gonna be gone early. That’s what Cissie claims at least.

I had a shower and got ready for work. I went out and checked on the pack and move progress. I must say, Trisha was in a supremely foul mood. What fun for Mom. And she has to drive with her all the way to Tacoma. Thats only like 12 hours trapped together. I feel sorry for Cissie. Oh yeah, 8 cats and two dogs in the car too. I left the two of them for packing and left. Atmosphere was too tense for me.

Emily told me they finally left at 2 pm. They filled both garbage cans too. Not a big deal, but annoying. Funny thing, Trisha put an old fish tank and a cat litter box, cover d, out at the curb. Both were actually taken by someone. That’s funny.

So off to work. For the second day in a row, and third this week, I met client Frank in the parking lot as I pulled in. He had more forms to sign and notarize. The forms have been endless and even Frank is wondering when they will end. I get requests from everyone for information on this deal and Frank pays for that. His deal should be finalized by next week. Then no more forms to sign.

The balance of the day was the usual Friday. Employee payday, take deposit to the bank and try to clean up a weeks worth of mess. In between, calls, emails and some work. I had one appointment which ran over long. But they did pay off their AR while here.

Drive home was entirely normal and uneventful. I can’t even remember the drive three hours later. That’s probably a blessing.

Met Emily at home, we both arrived at the same time. We went out to dinner at Punjabi Dhaba a local Indian restaurant. Food is excellent here. They have a varied menu but on Friday they have the buffet. Which is what both of us picked. With buffet, I get a little bit of everything plus dessert. I think it’s the best deal. And I love Indian food too. Our whole family loves Indian food. The place runs Bollywood films on the wide screen all during dinner. Bollywood movies are fabulous productions and very entertaining. I only watch them when I am here. Where else could I find them?

We ran to the store on our way home. Emily wanted ice cream and other desserts. And ibuprofen. I already had rice pudding and some other Indian dessert. So this is all on Emily. We managed to get three dessert items. And forgot the ibuprofen. You can see where Emilys head was at.

Back home Emily had some ice cream. The other desserts will need to wait. I am stuffed from dinner. So we sat and watched TV. Emily laid on the floor wih Taffy. Taffy is not doing very well all of a sudden and is having trouble walking. We know the day is coming but I still selfishly want her to hang on. She is the best dog we have.

We are now watching TV. The star of this show reminds me of our now former tenant in some ways. I don’t know why. Emily doesn’t think so. Whatever.

Almost time for bed. Yay. I am ready to fully sleep in, I hope. Got to clean up our in the garage apartment. It is disgustingly filthy. Will need to evaluate the clean up and get an action plan in place. I want to minimize the cost of cleaning up the pet damage. I am hoping to save the carpeting. We will see tomorrow.