Shoulda Worked Out

It’s Wednesday and I am going to work. It’s a short week so I am not staying home today. Btw, its 845pm and I’m just getter by started here. I may shorten my swing, if you know what I mean.

I am incredibly sore from yesterdays lower boat workout. I could have worked out today and I think that probably would have helped. Too late. My legs hurt like hell. And I use the lightest weights. Coach knows torture.

Today at work, nothing fun happened. I did get all my year end tax software downloaded. So at least I’m ready for all the crapola to arrive. Just live this time of year. Sadly, this was the highlight of my day. Once on my hard drive I was able to proforma (transfer) the 2016 client date to the new 2017 program. Are you on the edge of your seat? Personally I have trouble staying awake.

We (Em and I) had a meeting with our architect and contractor at 5. We were both late. They talked about a lot of things. Mostly, we need to get a variance for our project. Would involve approval of lots of people including our neighbor. Architect is not sure we would get all approvals needed. Kinda sad if we didn’t. Emily thought the meeting was a downer. I don’t feel that way. I think it will all work out for the best. Then we build the house we want. Go team.

We drove home after the meeting. Got home about 8. Still have leftovers so we were well fed. The dogs were well fed too. Especially Taffy. Since she received her death sentence we have been loading her up with treats and feeding her from the table. Anything. Spoiling is the daily order. The other two, no. They aren’t dying. So I can’t feel sorry for them.

The TV is not working. Whenever it rains the signal goes out. DirectTV is shit.

I am going to bed.