Mostly Up to Date

In blog terms, I have posted thru Friday and am now working on current memory of yesterday, Saturday. I feel close to caught up. I feel good. Not James Brown good, but good.

Saturday is the day to sleep in. Did what I could on that front. It’s difficult to say you are sleeping in when you roll around in the middle of the night for a couple hours not sleeping. Finally, fall asleep, and you need extra hours. So, I slept in like that.

Chores today. Of course, it’s Saturday. Clean the house, mop floors, change linens, do laundry, wash cars. And by do chores, I mean start all these chores and finish on Sunday. For instance, I have some new waterless car wash/wax and I am using it on the cars for the first time. So it’s taking longer. I finished one car and started on another. I did start the process very late in the day, around 5, so by 640 it was past the cocktail hour and I gave up. Still have Sunday. Also, on laundry, if you have ever done it, requires a broad swath of the day for all items and the full cycle will take 2 hours per load. That’s a two day job. And floors? Actually only vacuumed the floors. Entire house is tile. So mop today. See. Saturday is for chores and Sunday for finishing chores. Wow, I just have a rundown on my entire day off. Don’t be jealous, it’s not as much fun as it sounds.

I did have a huge errand to run in the middle of the day, 11 to 2. We bought new furniture back a few months, ordered it, 10 weeks for build and deliver. There was damage to the couch, noted upon arrival, and to one drawer in the chest of drawers. Well, the furniture store could not be more helpful. This week drawers (2) arrived to replace my broken one. I drove to Woodland, hour each way, to get them. They loaded the two boxes in my car and gave back the damaged one as well. All is good, yes? No. Should have opened the boxes. Color was off. Drawer front placement on the drawer box was off by enough to be wrong. I contacted the store. They are sorry. Really not their fault, it’s Hooker Furniture that screwed it up. Both times.

On the drive back, which goes through Sacramento, I received a very timely call. Sharif Jewelers, who had my watch in for maintenance, had it ready to go. Btw, Sharif never has customer service issues. I made a small detour and picked up the watch. This is a big deal for me. I wear the watch every day. Every day since my parents have it to me in 1986. I don’t feel right without it. Maintenance on a Rolex means 5 to 6 weeks. Used to be they sent them to Switzerland for work. Now, certified jewelers in US can do the work. Simply put, I was thrilled to finally get my watch back.

To home. Got there and dove into the daily chores. The aforementioned ones. Also, this is when I pulled out the new drawers and took some time to try and make them work till I discovered they were just plain wrong.

As I mentioned above, after these chores I moved on to cars. And cleaning. Waxing. Etc.

Emily was sacked out and snoring in front of the TV when I came in at 640. What to do? I made Mai Tais. Cures fatigue. Sure. I then out together an awesome charcuterie plate, put it on the coffee table and said “dinner”. She was ok with that. Me too. Then it was all alcohol, cured meats and rich cheese. Crunchies. We watched Bad TV (any other kind) for the remainder of the evening. Marika went to a friends house in West Sacramento for her evening. All is fine.

When we finally both decided we would rather sleep in bed than in the front room, we got up and did so.