I Have Been Remiss

Though I don’t feel bad. Seems I have not blogged about things since Monday and it’s Saturday night. I’m lame.

Let’s move through my week. At least the week I can remember.

Tuesday I went to my regular workout. First in 12 days. Been on vacay. I can’t say it wore me out but it was work. I felt I had never left, never missed a day. Planning on working out every day through Friday.

Home to shower. No surprise there. Marika and Emily are both home. Doesn’t matter. I got cleaned up and dressed and went to work. Drove the Fit, it’s full of boxes for my work can.

Work. You know how I feel about work. It’s so fun only not, and boring. But I go every day in spite of that. I’m an idiot. Put in a full day and went home. Which is a fun place and not boring. The rest of Tuesday? I can’t remember. It’s Saturday now.

Wednesday. Workout. Again. No surprise there.

Went to work after. Emily, who has been ill since we left for NO last week, finally went to the doctor. She has a sinus infection. She should have gone for meds last week when I suggested it. But she doesn’t listen to me. That’s no surprise.

Went home a little early. Tonight we are taking Randy, our houseguest, our to dinner. He has finished his rotation in Grass Valley, already has a real job back home, and is leaving Auburn tomorrow.

Good enough. We went to Carpe Vino, in Old Town. We brought our own champagne and an extra bottle of red. Had a wonderful dinner. There are five of us because Marikas friend Taylar is visiting. It’s a full house. We went thru a little bit of everything, all courses. Great meal.

What else happened today? Couldn’t tell you. It’s Saturday and that’s just too long.

Thursday. Usual morning workout. And went to work. While at work the concrete fairies showed up and dug out the foundations for garage and shop. Very exciting. I need to schedule the building install too. Won’t be long now.

Went to work, usual day. Slow and boring.

Home at usual time. Tonight, a couple of Marika’s friends are coming by for cocktails. Just hanging out. Seems they want me to hang out with them and make the drinks. I need more friends my child’s age. Sure.

We had a great time. I made a few drinks for all. Emily has gone to bed already, guess they did not want to hang with her. I like her, I hang with her. I did not stay up as late as the kids. I got work. And I’m old. I went to bed by 1030.

Friday. Work day for all. My trainer cancelled the workout. So up as usual. Concrete guys here already. Love it. My landscaper came today as well. He is finishing the property clean out he started a couple weeks ago. We are slowly advancing our property into ship shape.

I left all these people, and went to work. Work was the usual. I did get to go to the bank, that’s fun. Not much else of note.

I left late, due to some late crap coming along. Which is a pain. Emily has taken all day to clean out her classroom. She had thought it would take two hours. Off by a factor of four.

She ended up getting home after all of us. Ended up being so late we decided to dump our plans for dinner at home and go out.

Headed to old town. Italian seemed a good choice. Guess what, we walk up the the restaurant and pg & e is there. And the lights are out and no one is home. I think no Italian. What’s close to Italian? Indian! We strolled 100 yards up the hill to the Indian place. Great food. No alcohol. Too bad. We did have a fine meal.

Home and off to bed. Funny how we go to bed early when we are sleeping in the next day. I don’t understand.