Every Other Day

I notice I am no longer regular with my posting. For a couple years it’s been every day posting. Last month or so, post every other or every third day. Sorry for the inconvenience. I been busy in my real life which has not lately seemed so real as it does surreal.

Yesterday was a regular tax season workday. This means I could tell you what happened without even having had the day. The work days are the same. Head down working, early to late, until to exhausted to go on. Then home to sleep 5 hours. Repeat. Endlessly. I know, you want to be me. It was also a Monday which lets loose the dogs, I mean clients, to call and harass me. Clients mean well (I think) and just want my full attention in their crap so they can be done and destress till next year. But there is a long line and everyone gets cross. On mondays I get all the pent up demand for my attention in the form of calls and emails. I really have grown to hate this shit.

So Sunday was like that. And it did not vary at all from every other day thisbtaz season.

I got home at 1115. Ate meatballs and potatoes and went to bed.

Mans speaking of rrgilar posting, I wrote this post five days ago and never published it. Oops.