Weekend Prequel

I wish. It’s just Thursday. I do need to get dinner reservations for tomorrow. That would be Friday. Which is the traditional start of the weekend. Bud, I work Saturdays and Sundays. But, only 3 weekends of abject misery are left on the books for 2019. Is that a positive thought? Difficult to discern.

I have two full appointments today. Clients come in and talk for an hour. Plus a short in person appointment and a short call as well. Last two just to finish up their returns. Not much of a day. I hate it in advance. Want to buy an accounting firm? Hell, it’s free to a good home. Or a bad home.

Right now, morning is open. So I am sitting here enjoying sitting here. Drinking coffee. The view is reasonably spectacular. And weird. The ceiling outside is a very low layer of ominous gray clouds. Rain clouds. But I still have a 100 mile view under that. I can see the snowy mountains that far away and very clearly. Weird and spectacular, as I said. In a few minutes I will surrender to my day and start to get ready. I hate this shit. Work, I mean. Q

Had a nice ride to work. It was raining but not too hard. I got to work kinda early, for me. Then I worked all day like usual till 1030. Only thing that sets this day apart, I brought my dinner. Tandoori chicken with veggies. Otherwise, day same as every other.

Left for home at 1030. Got there and went to bed