Another Monday

The wife tells me it’s supposed to rain this week. And the boxes from storage will be ruined if they stay outside where we left them. I think this is the passive aggressive method of saying will you please take care of all the boxes. I prefer direct since I often don’t respond to these hints. This one I got.

The black cat has been super annoying this morning. She followed me from the bedroom to the kitchen in spite of the bowl of kibble I set out for her. Jumped on the counters a few times while I worked. Ran around the house in a mad dash. Came back when I finally sat down with my coffee and cakes and would not leave me alone. Kept getting up and down, lap to floor, while I sat there. Did I not say annoying? She is not interested in the food, just the pestering by head butting me and rubbing on me. Of course she followed me to the bathroom and did the same thing in there while I sat. I think an 18” square box and some tape would solve the problem. But who do I ship her to?? I’m kidding, relax.

So, I am putting boxes away before I leave. I had to rearrange the shed contents to get them in because Emily is not the efficient Jenga/Tetris type packer that I am. I used to work on a loading dock, packing and unpacking truck trailers. You get good at it. After boxes I am going to Salvation Army on my way out. It’s Monday, they gotta be open, right? Then to the office for fun and games. One more month.

I made it to town. Lots of time till first appointment so I stopped for a large cup of coffee. I like going to Starbucks and ordering a Large (or Medium), whatever. I hate their size system for its illogical inconsistency. It mixes size names with numbers which in a classification sense is horrid. So I use my own consistent system. Today, it blew away the cashier. Success. It’s the little things in life. And I still get my coffee.

Back on the road to Salvation. I arrived at 920. The store was open, the donation station, closed. So I phoned them, why get out of the car? I asked their donation hours, M-F 5 to 9. So, I asked, do you mean 9 to 5? Yes, oops. Ok, so I told them I was out back and sign said closed. My protagonist said wait he will show up. I asked how long do I need to wait? She then got it done : I will find him and send him out. Thank you. I was thinking, why must I work so hard to get you to do your job?

He popped out quickly and seemed perturbed, curt even, that he had to help. I have been here before and they get pissed if you try to self drop with no help. Why is this so difficult? I was friendly, he can have his attitude, I don’t want it. I dropped off the old microwave and sundry items. My job is done.

Pleasant drive to work and left early enough to meet my clients on time. They drive from Red Bluff so I like to be available on time. We had a nice catch up on things. They are older and retired so we mostly discussed their health problems more than anything. It makes them happy.

Balance of the day was taxes and all that goes along with that. Mostly just information gathering by any means available like phone, text, mail, email. Then sort it, make sense of it and report it. Can be tedious but it’s what I do.

Today I worked till about 1020. I tried to leave at 10 but circumstances intervened in my well thought out plans.

At 1020pm there are no traffic issues. It was 80 mph all the way. Except on 49, that’s a little slower.

Stopped at Safeway on Bell Rd, still open. Good to know. Picked up bread and a dinner salad for me. Emily did not make dinner tonight. No big deal.

Home, wolfed down salad and read the mail. Went to bed.