More of the Same

I am sitting at the table, it’s 645am, and the annoying black cat is “seated” in front of me on the table right where my breakfast should be. She is reaching out and butting me with her head while her tail is whipping around like a snake. Ever so slightly in my way. I would change chairs but she moves too. I think she likes the challenge. I need to wait till she gets bored and leaves.

I am headed to Dixon soon. I have two appointments this morning in town and don’t want to be late. I have a couple in the office right after as well. People are coming out of the woodwork. Like roaches.

Going to be a long day of work and nothing but work. Short blog kind of day. Work makes you dull. Maybe I should change careers. It works well for characters in TV shows, they just switch jobs and have instant success. Real life always works that way too.

Just for the sake of full disclosure, it’s Thursday at 7am now. It’s been 24 hours since last paragraph. Black cat just arrived at the table. She is consistent. And persistent. And, above all, annoying.

So yesterday I drove the race car to work. First stop was West Dixon at a retired veterinarian’s home to pick up hos tax info. He is 84 years old so I give him a little grace and pick up his stuff. We had a quick discussion of his records, got caught up with our lives and I was off to next appt.

Jayme is a hair stylist. She is a brand new client. I coached her son in little league over 20 years ago which is when I first met her. I don’t usually go to visit but it is a Dixon person, she is new, she cuts hair and with all that I know I gotta impress up front or the whole town will know in 5 minutes. That would do me no good. And, it’s nice to catch up on all that is going in her life, hear about the kids (daughter is an exotic dancer!) and the rest of the fam. That part is really awesome as well. Probably the best part.

I stopped at Jim’s shop next mostly just to say hi. I was in town, so I stop. I told him I would hate for home to hear I was in town and did not come by. And, I got to dump all my cardboard in his recycle bin. That was nice too. Jim is getting real close to retirement and moving to South Dakota. I don’t see how they will stand the cold ass winters having lived in California the last 60 years but not my issue. I will visit in summer and hunting season only.

Quick stop at the hardware store, get greeted by everyone. I do forget what that’s like, nowhere in Auburn am I as known as Dixon. That’s tough. Though I get to be anonymous again and that has its high points.

Off to work. Yay. The rest of the day, surprise, was head down working. What fun. I had to drink lots of coffee to keep moving. I am nodding off at work and driving. I am tired.

I worked till about 10pm. Early I think. Emily thinks that is late. Too much work to do. Had a couple appointments, a couple drop offs, calls, etc. the usual. Tiring and boring. Had one argument, I mean discussion, about a client invoice. One of those cultural things, his culture requires he challenge all prices. And my culture requires I tell him to pay the fucking bill and quit complaining. Dick.

Drive home was fun. The new car, still under a thousand miles, is a blast to drive. Especially when other drivers think they are super awesome and want to be stupid. I can show them up. That’s fun.

I had leftovers for dinner, Emily had not made new. No matter. Tandoori chicken and rice is good every day.

Off to bed, a little reading, and not enough sleep.