Almost Paradise

Ahhh. Last nights dinner is sitting in my gut like a hunk of wet newspaper you have to peel off your driveway. I wonder how it will behave when it hits my colon? Nice, perhaps? Or maybe like a bully on the playground? I can hardly wait. I will stay close to the bathroom.

Emily woke with a severe headache. She cancelled her plans for later this evening based on the way she feels now. She blamed it on the wine. I blame it on the drinking of the wine. Perspective. Yesterday I briefly mentioned the wine was awful. Yet, I was being kind. The first bottle, yes we had more than one, was a Moscato. A white. It was like drinking well over sweetened fruit juice. Gag me. Unfortunately, the hostess poured me a full glass. Not even a wine pour. Emily drank hers and while she had her back turned I poured mine into her glass. She was really not looking. With dinner the host brought out a red blend. Sounds nice. Till I read the label which clearly called it a “slightly sweet” red table wine. Not my table. Awful. Sweet grape juice. I made sure to drink very slowly so no one would top off.

Now you can see why Emily May blame the wine. Probably the wine and the sugar combo really. My tummy has the lump in it sine all they served was meat and starch. I don’t carb out ever. As you may know. I will say all the food was good. And prepared well. Just not my style of eating.

So I begin my day at a disadvantage. Jaxon, stupid Cocker, shit all over the room. I again neglected to put him out after breakfast so he could shit all over outside and lord knows the dog does not know or care the difference. Good morning. He is outside whining to come in. Maybe I can let him in and kick him in the head? I can’t. He is Marikas dog. She can kick him in the head.

I finally let stupid inside. The dog, I mean. I swear that shithead should have plug in his ass. Ok, forget the dog. The poodle sleeps through all this. It seems two weeks on yeast infection meds have stopped her peeing in the house wherever and whenever. Knock on wood. She needs to give Jaxon lessons.

Good news this morning. I have zero appointments today. And I have received to work related messages. Though I did get some non work texts to pass the time away. I was really getting going on the blog thing, until all those friendly texts took me out of my thought process. But at least I have a friend who still wants to text me. But, I am trying to create a KC here to make up for the last two lame days posted. And they were weak entries, no denying it.

So, looking ahead, I don’t have much of a day in front of me. Just work, at work. No errands before. I do need to meet up with Marika and get the pies for this weekends fake Thanksgiving at Dad’s house. I ordered a couple at a bakery near her. I am also making one on Saturday morning, lemon meringue. Everyone likes lemon. At least in our family. So my trip toward Petaluma is probably a two hour turn around. If lucky. We are meeting halfway, Kelly Rd works. That’s the 12/121 intersection for those confused. Napa, CA. I am sure you drive through it the last time you went wine tasting in Napa.

My drive toward Napa is the high point of my day most likely. Unless Emily pulls a rabbit out of her hat. Which would be totally amazing since she does not wear hats or own a rabbit. So I can look forward to that. I will try and find some other interesting things in my day so stay tuned. Cable channel 8, public access.

Now time to beautify myself. Be ready since the barbarians are at the gate. Some day I am going to let them in rather than beat them back. How bad can they be? Shower time.

Ok so I went to work. This is where the story goes to bland. Because work can be boring. And it is most of the time. Bland. Nothing of any great import happened today. I would have taken notes but forgot that. Had a few texts with sissy of the broken wing. She is unable to travel and won’t make it to fake Thanksgiving but is still coordinating travel for all. So we traded texts. My new consultant Ciara called for our weekly appointment. We discussed deep issues of firm management and marketing. Fun. Had a long conversation with a client who is moving with his four kids to New Hampshire. His soon to be ex wife does not want to be a wife or mommy anymore. That’s sad. We discussed moving across country and I tried to convince him to throw away most of his belongings instead of moving a lot of old furniture and clothing across the country. He is ready to spend $16k just to move his crap across country. I think it’s a mistake.

Spent a good portion of the morning trying to figure out where the office Christmas lunch will be. For the first time I have gotten involved in the process. I always leave it up to the employees. Always. Their party, their pick. But this year they were unable to do shit. So I had to help. Now with an hours work, I have solved the problem. Hurray for me.

Not much else went on. The had to leave early to go to the bank and cash a check. Then off to storage unit to get ice chest. Then home for Yeti ice. Then off to Napa to meet Marika to get the pies for fake Thanksgiving. And into the ice chest. And straight back home. We passed a Texas Roadhouse on the way back and stopped for dinner. Neither of us like the place but Emily has a $50 gift card for TR and I remembered. So tonight we eat here. Got what we expect, steaks were very good, salads were surprisingly good. Emily has a horrendous margarita. They call it legendary. They are out of their minds. But, I scored, got rid of a gift card.

Back home and pies put away. I am going to go pack my bags for the weekend. No special duds needed, after all it is only fake Thanksgiving.

I only have to work a couple hours tomorrow. Two too many but everyone wants to get paid. Me too.