Wednesday is for Thrills.

150.4 and 152.4, if you are keeping score. Up three pounds this week after a drop of four last week. No, I can’t figure it out either. All I know is I am allowed a cup of fruit every day now. Not so bad.

Normal morning with normal duties. Fed all beasts, made lunch, made breakfast. Very usual. Not exciting. Got more exciting later in the day, when examined, but sometimes that can not be helped.

Emily left for school. I went into the office and went through my emails. Nothing. I did a search for a few minutes. I am trying to find a wooden case/cover for my new phone. The company that made my last one does not make them for the new XR model. Jerks. I never knew how many wooden phone cases could be had online. I had to stop looking since there were 100’s of sites.

Found nothing so off to shower. Got ready and off. Hey, forgot to put the dogs into their kennel. No issues, fortunately.

Stopped at the post office on the way to work. I had to renew my PO Box recently but never got to it and I got locked out. So I went in and have them the key. That’s free. And I don’t need it anymore anyway. I may get one again before I go. I can use it to register to vote. That means jury duty notices go there but I won’t be living in the county. So no jury duty. They don’t want me anyhow after my last invite to go. I am probably on the blacklist now. I hope.

Got to work around 1130. Had plenty to do. Some taxes and some admin type work. Also had a late appointment with a client who is also late filing. I like the really late filers, the ones well past the deadline. They have a true “fuck it all” attitude which I like. Client Lisa today was just that way. And paid me right when I finished. Also a good trait.

I had to leave on time tonight. By 5 pm. We are going to dinner at Elise and Brandon’s house. Elise and her grandson came to Maine last summer and stayed at our Air bnb. Anyhow, we had dinner at their house. I would describe the evening as disjointed. Emily said it was weird. It may have been both. All things were strange. Food, atmosphere, the way we were served, the wine was truly awful. I must say, they are really nice people. So that was ok.

Now home and in bed. It’s cold and I have an extra blanket. My cat is with me but doing little to keep me warm. Cat may need to hangout at the Korean restaurant to learn how to treat me. I am going to sleep.