I Actually Have Something to Do

Today is another beautiful day. Sunny with a light breeze. Clear. Just a nice day.

Today is Super Bowl Sunday. Traditionally, I would do nothing. I don’t much care for football and I have never had an “annual” place to go. No parties I always attend. Nothing. Which I prefer. Emily and I will sometimes watch part of the game. I saw the last quarter of the Pats Seahawks game. Love the look on Richard Sherman’s face. Saw the Pats Falcon game, turned it on at 28-0 and watched the rest. Funny. But, since the 49ers won their 5th, I just have not bothered.

This year all changed. My old college chums have an annual get together in San Jose for the big game. I got an invite. On Thursday. So I politely declined. Too far to go and invite left no time for planning. Then my friend Bob as a last minute thing decided we should get together for the game for hard liquor and protein. He and his fiancée are coming to our house. Even though I prefer to avoid parties, at lease it’s at my house and I like the people that are coming. So, for the first time in, like, forever, I am attending a Super Bowl party. Crazy.

Well, I did get my paper today and it was a let down. Some good features in the sports page though, which talked about Niner teams of old. That’s fun, an era when I cared. But the balance of the paper was pointless. Can line the ash can with it.

So spent the early part of the day cleaning and neatening the house. I also had to work in the water pump. We have had shit water pressure since the “off brand” pump company came out to inspect our pump on Friday. Part of sale process. I went out and reset the whole house filter. Also changed the pre filter as well. I noted from the energy I had to expend that the inspectors took apart the pre filter. It took all my strength and an act of god to take the filter apart. Some asshole with big gorilla arms took it apart. And put it back together. What a dumbass. I managed with proper bracing to loosen the parts and get the job done. We now have proper water pressure. I am a GD genius.

After this part of the morning, a debacle followed by success, I went for a shower. Then it was just wait for the guests. A nice damn day. I got the downstairs set up, put out a few dishes. Really not much.

Emily got home from school and wanted to wash her car. So we spent an hour washing and vacuuming the car. It does look fantastic. I am sure she is glad I helped her.

Our guests, Bob and Renee arrived a little later. They brought food and wine. Nice choice. We started with cocktails and Emily had made guacamole. Had shrimp cocktail. Nice snacks and such.

By the time we had finished our first drink the game was on. Game did turn out to be close but I really wasn’t watching. I was more interested in my squares and numbers. We had put money on a grid system and I was rooting for my numbers. And I did win 40$. So yay for me. Who won the game? Me, that’s who. I really did not care who wins the game.

I BBQd lamb loin chops and filets. And they were insanely good. I had done a dry marinade of spices in the filets and vacuum sealed them last night. Same for lamb chops but that was a wet marinade. Both turned out very well. Bob and Renee thought I used special meat but I told them Costco for the meat and treated to make it special. Simple.

Marika came home halfway through the game. She enjoyed all the same food and drink. We had a very nice day.

Bob and Renee left awhile after the game. We are going to be joining them In Thor this week. They have a time share in south shore. I will be skiing. I don’t know what Emily will be doing. She is not a skier. We will see.

It’s 1030 and I am ready for bed. I will water the dogs and head for the hills