Where the Hell is my Paper! Oh

It’s a beautiful morning. The sun is shining and I bet it’s close to 70. And it’s February. Wtf? The birds are making a racket outside while I search for my newspaper. Which I did not find. I hate that.

Got on the phone with the newspaper folks. That took some work, they keep the number well hidden. But, I did speak to a person and she was calling for a redelivery. Cool.

Emily came downstairs while I was on the phone. And headed out the door to yoga while I was still on the phone. But, I concluded the call. Right then, Emily yells from outside, she found the paper. Was in a strange place but it was there. Oops. Hope I catch the guy on the rebound so I can say sorry.

I just finished reading said paper. Not much of interest. Thinnest paper of the week. And I was worried when I did not get one. I gotta relax. Well, coffee is gone and breakfast is digesting. I could just sit here and daydream which is a pleasant way to waste time. Or I could take a shower and get dressed. Maybe that.

Tomorrow is Super Bowl and we have no plans. Except my buddy Bob said just now let’s do something. So maybe we have plans. I am most of the way there. Ok, now I have plans. Bob and Renee are coming over sometime midday with food. We will drink strong beverages and eat protein rich snacks while watching the game. It will be the first game I have watched all year.

I left for work after talking to Bob. Emiky has already left to meet up with her sister Dee. They are getting pedicures. I guess women have to do that in pairs. I am not well versed in that area.

I managed to clean up my desk and finish a couple tax returns in the four hours I was in the office. I also fielded several calls and a lot of emails. It was thrilling. When Emily finally got done, she called and said we should meet at Costco to shop for tomorrow. So right now I am sitting in the Costco parking lot in my car. Waiting on the bride. It is damn busy here. I parked way far out. Will need a shuttle I think. I just hope she gets here soon. I am playing on my phone and I hmgot a weird look from a passerby. When you think about it, all he could see is me staring at my lap with my hands out of sight. People have dirty minds. I am gonna go loiter by the front door.

I waited by the front door for Emily. This Costco is hella busy. The food court is out front here, not inside. There are about 50 people in line and all the tables are full. Like I said, busy. But lots to watch. Emily did show up. First thing she says is boy is this Costco busy. I know that.

We grabbed a cart and were off. We are here for three things. But, this is Costco so it will end up being 12 and $150. This ain’t my first rodeo.

Problem with this Costco is, it’s not mine. Or not my regular one. So we found it laid out weirdly, and impossible to find anything. And busy as hell, if I have not mentioned it. Well we found the meat we came for but not the chips or dip. What else? Almonds, crackers, cookies, ibuprofen, cheese and crackers, cheese plate, etc, none of it planned. $162. I hate Costco.

We went home. The food line out front had 75 people in it. The food is not that good or that cheap. I would pay more for no line and better food. But some people just love this place too much. I managed to get out front of Emily and beat her home.

Once home Emily went out to the glass house to fire some glass. I put away my Costco groceries. And started to make dinner. I also put the lamb chops and filets in separate marinades for tomorrow’s game snacking. Emily came in and asked for a cocktail. I offered her some of the new whisky but she wanted a mixed drink. So on comes the whisky sour. I had a sip of new whisky.

We finished making dinner. Salad with the leftover tri tip on it. Quite delicious. We slammed down dinner fast and now are watching bad TV. Something we do far too often. Like every night.