I have written about how all of us are driven by habit. We don’t make choices in our behavior so much as we continue with behavior driven by a choice we made long ago. Or a choice made by our parents or ancestors. We do the same thing over and over again. Every other action taken outside our habits disrupts us. We don’t handle new actions well. Until they become new habit.
With Taffy’s passing, Emily and I and the kids must all form new habits. She was part of my daily routine. Yes, I know I have two other dogs, but her absence is a disruption in my daily habits. At the first meal time without her, I tried to set out three dishes. Habit. Marika had taken her bowl and set it aside. I got out the food and meds. Too much food and an extra pill. Habit. Put that away. Made their meal, went to set dishes on the floor and the dogs were confused. They always had a pattern, habit, to where the dishes went. And weirdly Jackson could not figure out where to stand. They are out of sorts. Dogs have habits too and it makes it easier for us.
I had a new habit, I am an old dog but learn new tricks. Since Taffy received her death sentence I have been giving her extra food and treats from the table. Bad habit I know but under the circumstances ok.
I do remember the day we went to pick out a dog for Michael. And ended up with Taffy. Michaels first pet was a Cat. Katy. She was killed by my mothers dog in our back yard. He got another cat, Patches. She was attacked by two dogs on our front porch. Michael said he never wanted another cat. I can’t blame him after those experiences. But, after a couple years he thought getting a dog might be ok. We knew someone with a couple of puppies. We went to visit, long drive out into the country. There were two pups and one obviously liked him. And there you go. Michael named her, he came up with the name Taffy on his own.
We brought her home and it was as if she was born here. Moved in and fit in. Never had a potty training problem. Every night she slept with Michael. He would call her in and she slept under the covers with him. Seems gross to me considering how flatulent the boy is but Taffy did not mind.
I always had a particular soft spot for Taffy. She actually liked me and would seek me out when she needed attention. When Michael left for college I kind of got his dog for myself. She slept with me every night and I rubbed her tummy every night before sleeping. I already miss that. When Michael was home she always slept under the covers with him. I’m number two.
It’s difficult to measure a dogs contribution to your life. They are important in so many ways. You always have a companion who likes you and wants to hang with you. I am not sure I need more. My dog made me feel good, no matter what. There isn’t anyone or anything that can do that for you on any consistent basis. I miss that. I have two other dogs here. A Poodle that loves Emily and puts up with me. And the Cocker, Jaxon, he is an idiot. But he loves Marika and misses her and is thrilled when she comes for a visit. Oh yeah, two cats. They couldn’t give two poops for anyone. Don’t be late with the kibble, buddy.
There are no more new dogs in our future. I don’t need my heart ripped out again. And I don’t want to have to care for a pet in my old age. I have the aforementioned other pets, all old, and closer to the end than the beginning. That’s enough. It’s a change of life I guess. I will have to play with granddoggies and grandkitties I guess.
So, enough about the dog in my head. For now.
Today my nephew, Dennis, came by with his girlfriend Devon and friend Danny. Dennis was here at Christmas and we mentioned we were moving and needed to get rid of furniture. He and Devon (future Mrs Johnston?I think) jumped at the chance. Dennis got a tape measure and started measuring furniture for fit. Today they got a kitchen table, eight chairs and stools, an armoire, dresser, bookcase, and assorted items. Sectional couch and comfy chair to pick up later. He did good. 

Quite a haul. Don’t ya think?
I also had to rake leaves. Today. A lot of god damn leaves. You have seen the truck, I will fill it twice and dump into burn pile. I know I have said before that he last time I raked would be the last time. Well, I raked for the last time. The tree has no more leaves in it. And we have accepted the offer we received on the house. And we have a place to go. It has no trees. It does have a lawn, but I leave that to Emily. Two hours of raking leaves. Fun.
Our agent Linda came by to do our sale disclosures. That was a job. She walked the property and did her own. Then sat with us while we did ours. Took at least two hours. What fun!
After all that we sat and watched TV. We? Emily was asleep in the chair Dennis is taking. I sat by the fireplace and blogged. While the TV droned on for no one. Emily likes the noise.
Dennis just called. He is coming back with the truck and getting at least the chair. And giving me the truck.
Emily and I are going to run an errand to Vacaville and get dinner.
So I got some socks for workout. Then we hit the Hawaiian Poke bowl place. New spot in Vacaville. They serve some pretty exciting looking desserts. Although I think I will probably be too full after the Poke. So its like a buffet and you build your own Poke, with help. I chose Ahi and spicy tuna on top of salad instead of rice. Then a couple spicy toppings, some extra veg, hot peppers, and crab. Et voila, c’est finis! Mine was tremendously spicy. Two cups cold water spicy. Emilys was miso shrimp and not so spicy. Served on rice. All this for only $30. It was fine. Not shockingly good, probably to expensive, but it is not standard fare for Vacaville. That’s a good thing.
We sat and watched bad TV till 915. At that point, nephew Dennis returned with the truck. And took several pieces of furniture with him back to Santa Rosa in my truck. My house is getting empty. Feels weird. But I won’t have to move the shit.
Dennis and Danny left. It’s 10pm. We are going to bed. We are getting up early and going to Visalia for the day. Visit the old man. Should be a blast.