F is for Fog

It’s been raining most of the week. Woke up today, it’s foggy as hell. And cold.
And the lemons are ripe.

I worked out today. 4th workout of the week. Yay me! Go Bill! I haven’t had four workouts in an age. What will I do next?

I worked all day, it is Friday. Plenty of shit to do. Kept quite busy. I went to the bank about 445. What a treat. I gave the teller my deposit. She returned it to me and said she could not take my deposit. Why I ask? What the fuck did I do? Turns out these asshole zionist bastards closed my account. Why you ask? Because I own a building on which they hold the mortgage, and a tenant in that building has a 420 recommendation clinic. My bank says that’s a marijuana clinic and any rent they pay is marijuana money and a federal crime so they closed my bank account. Because the rent was deposited there. What a bunch of cocksuckers. Morman Zionist bastards. I hate the bank. Now I need a new account probably at another bank. I hate these goddamn banks. They suck on the teat of the federal government. They do whatever the federal justice department tells them to do. They are so afraid the government will pull out early. They absolutely do not care about their customers. God how I hate them. Can this day get any worse?

Unfortunately, it can. While at the teller window of the bank, I got a call from home. My dog Taffy is dying. I have reported this. But, today, she needs to go to the vet for the last time. So I dropped everything I was doing and went home. Taffy went downhill very fast and I can tell it’s time. I got home and we jumped in the car right away and drove to the clinic. I had very little time to truly say goodbye. We took her into the exam room, gave her a lot of attention, spoke to the doctor, said our goodbyes and left the room. Everyone crying. We had her over 13 years. I find it difficult to talk about. I will try for greater clarity tomorrow. It’s a miserable end to a miserable day. God is screwing with me.

We went out after and drank alcohol for no other reason than drinking makes you not care as much. It’s a deadening tool so you can stop feeling. We had dinner too. We came home and drank some more. And sat around, sad. I truly don’t need days like this. No one does. I am not sure how I will handle the other two dogs when they get to this point. They are super old. Tomorrow.