Fit Racing

Today, a day like any other. Except it’s sunny and a Thursday. The last six have not been like that.

Usual morning thing. Forgot to make Emilys breakfast. Made lunch. Coffee. Not sure where my brain was at.

Forgot to mention Emily made shortbread cookies last night as well as rhubarb cake. We added lemon to the rhubarb cake as a change of pace. It’s really good. Of course, I love lemon. But still particularly good. I bring all this up now because I just had cake and cookies for breakfast. I’m an adult, I get to eat my dessert first.

Went to work out. Only 45 minutes. I must be getting more efficient in my workout. I am doing the same upper body sets but the time it takes keeps going down. Not complaining.

Headed home got shower and get dressed thing done. Headed out. Had to stop at the hardware store for CO detectors and a smoke alarm. Since we are in contract, I gotta make the house more code compliant. So $100 for alarms. At least I have a charge account at Dixon Hardware.

Off to my appointment. I am meeting with a guy who makes cars go fast for a living. So when I got there, first order of business, discuss the Honda Fit. My personal race car. I learned something I did not know, the SCCA sponsors a Fit racing circuit. People actually race these things. The ultimate hot hatchback. New client Josh does work for one of the top racers and a friend of his also races Fits. We chatted about my car for 30 mins. He is going to put together a plan for my car. Street legal racer. He also has some ideas for the suspension so it can better carry the tongue weight of our tear drop trailer. Josh does it all. This will be fun. I can get Marika’s boosted a bit too. Be jealous. I will be even cooler than you.

Set up for Walker to visit wih Josh tomorrow or Monday to get his accounting system ready. We also need to take care of the entire year of 2017 because he has no accounting system. Which is another reason I stay in business.

I got into the office, for the first time today, at 2 pm. Appointments and things really eat up the day. I had a few things to do though not much got done. It always amazes me that I can not remember a damn thing Indonat work five minutes after I leave the office. It’s just forgettable work, I guess. I obviously have forgotten.

Emily called about 5. Taffy was doing very poorly, she thought. The vet we were going to call is a yoga mate of Emilys. Emily had the vets care in her car. Which is in the shop and has been for 10 days. So on my way home, I stopped at the Mercedes shop and picked up her card. When I got home, Taffy was doing fine. Go figure. Not calling the vet but at least I have the card handy.

Fed the dogs and hung out. I installed the three CO detectors I had bought this morning. And, waited for Emily to get home from yoga. She had made a cake for the instructors birthday so she left a little late than usual. Everyone loved the cake and her instructor was thrilled she went to the trouble of doing something nice. Obviously she does not know my wife. My wife takes care of people.

So she got home about 730. I would love to say I had made dinner, but all I did was heat up leftovers. Which is nice because Emily didn’t have too but is very easy to do. We had a nice meal and relaxed. Discussed the dog, and Marika and our trip to Visalia this weekend. One day trip, up and down the state in one day. Not going to be fun.

I just cleared the plates. Had to empty the dishwasher first. We ate dessert, we have cake and cookies Emily made and the cookies Marika made. Delish.

We are gonna watch some TV as we seem to always do. I am blogging first, Emily is watching some forgettable news show. Usual. I think I will install the smoke alarm real quick and be done with it. And go to bed.