What the Hell Day Is It?

So, today, is a little screwy. First things first, I had a really good nights sleep. Woke up at 8, which is far later than usual. That’s a good thing. But last night I had neglected to set all the clocks back for daylight savings time. So I gained an hour when I got up. The problem is, it just doesn’t feel right to get out of bed and change the clock. At least I felt weird and I still do and it’s 6pm, probably. I know it will go away but not soon enough. And, just for the record I still see no point to changing the clock. The government is screwing with my circadian rhythms for the greater good. I doubt anyone would vote for this travesty. Why hasn’t The Donald fixed this?

I do have to take the dogs to the groomer at 10. So an hour extra is more time with the big paper. Sadly, this Sunday’s paper was really a load of hog swallop. So the extra time did not do much for me. I was almost on time to the groomers at least

Our groomer, Shari, was still in bed at 5 mins to 10. See, other people have trouble with the time change. But she did a fabulous job. Of course, I had to stay and help. This is Shari’s day off and she had no help. So I am help. But I had to be there for three hours and work. No fun.

Got home and had nothing planned. So I did a little sitting around and some nothing as well. When I think back on this afternoon, it’s like looking back on a work day. I can remember what I did. Some laundry. Chatted with Cissie for awhile. Spent some time online and I can’t remember why. See, can’t remember is a theme. I did manage to get my car washed. And a little wheel dressing for all three cars. Probably should have washed the S2000 but ran out of steam. I blame daylight savings.

I spent an hour or so shopping yurts online. Since the last time I looked there were a few more yurt makers online. There is really a lot of choices now. A lot of prices. A lot of comparisons to make. Many different sizes as well. It seems damn near impossible to choose. But I will be doing it soon. I gotta have a place to live when I get to Auburn.

Took a break long enough to make dinner. Tonight’s was simple and easy. I cut up some of the leftover pork roast wrapped in bacon and fried it crispy and put that on a chopped salad. That’s dinner. Delish as always.

Now I am just sitting here. Watching TV. This day shows how daylight savings screws things up. Usually I am headed to bed after dinner. But it’s not late. So I have to stay up till it’s time. Total BS. We need a strong President to end this practice. Someone crazy who is willing to act the fool. Who would that be?

Even Emily has gotten into the act. She is sewing a poncho to use up our extra time. Actually, that’s not true. She bought the fabric last week I think she is going to make a few more. Not tonight.

So I’m back to watching lousy TV. Currently America’s Funniest Videos. Is there no end to what awful things daylight savings can cause? Oh, the humanity!

Ten minutes to nine. Close enough. Bedtime.