Retard Cat

Pets are wonderful. Some say. Supposedly enhance your life and help you live longer. Some say.

Last night I don’t say. What did my daughters retard cat do? For no reason. It is a cat.

Last night we woke to what we thought sounded like someone shaking the sliding door trying to get in the house. Emily thought that, I thought it was the wind. We are having an unusual wind storm here. Turns out it was said retard cat trying to dig his way through the full length mirrored cabinet next to the bedroom door. By dig I mean violently dig in a way that seemed it could be someone tying to break in. I got up and chased the stupid animal out. I would shut the door but from experience know that makes the cat try to dig his way in. We went back to sleep.

About the time we got back to sleep the cat started up again. One more time for fun. Same thing, chase cat away and kick him a couple times, gently of course. I know you are saying throw the cat outside. Except it’s Marika’s cat, she is not here, and she wants him inside at night. There are hungry wild animals out there. Cat tastes just like chicken. Anyway, back to sleep.

About the moment we got back to sleep the little shit did it yet again. I couldn’t catch the cretin, though I tried. Unfortunately I couldn’t get back to sleep but good news was cat stayed away. I hate him.

I was awake about an hour. I hate that cat. I did finally go to sleep. Cat did not come back to digging on the wall. Instead he ran through the room at top speed, jumping to our headboard from the nightstand, up to the mirror above our headboard (a refurb’d window with ledge) across and down the other side. I hate the cat.

I did fall back asleep faster. Of course, he did it again. He is a dick, after all. But, still, back to sleep again. And to cap it all off, the dickhead did it one last time around seven am. I tossed him out. Cold as hell and very windy out there, hope he enjoys it.

We got up. Exhausted. Breakfast. Paper. Coffee. It’s Sunday after all. We sat around awhile with paper, etc since we were wiped out. I had planned on getting some work done outside except the wind, which is very unusual, is blowing like hell. Difficult to use a blower or wash a car when being bombarded by high wind and the crap that comes with it. So I never got out.

Instead we ended up running errands like Target and Goodwill drop off. Had a snack. Grocers. Usual weekend shit.

We came back home. I did a few loads of laundry. Emily is working on her glass projects. We had picked up ribs for tonight’s dinner. I got this all ready. They have to sit and dry marinate for a couple hours then 2 hours in the oven. So I started early. And I cleaned the kitchen. Hell of a day.

So we had ribs and grilled artichokes and watched the Oscars. Lots of movies I have never seen. And will never see for that matter. I can’t say I even enjoyed the show. It is a little pretentious. And I never saw most of the movies getting attention.

We just had dessert and are watching after Oscar crap. They act like it’s big news. Or important. And discuss the fashions. Although it seems unimportant to me a lot of people do watch. Probably more important to most than the “serious” news. No matter. I changed the channel to Last Man Standing. I like that.

Emily is ready for bed. I suppose I should join her.