
Its the sixth workday of the week. Qualifies as a weekend but all I end up doing is chores. Just more work.

We couldn’t sleep in today since Emily has a yoga class in Rocklin that starts at 9. So she has to leave by 830. Hence get up at 730. I don’t know about you but I want to sleep late on a Saturday. Late is not 730. But her I am, awake early. 730.

I need to take my car in for service so since I’m up I took the car in. I have a rock stuck between my rotor and backing plate too. They can fix that too. I dropped the car at Honda, about an hour after Emily left the house. So Emily was able to pick me up from Honda.

Now the Finn really started. We got home and cleaned the house for a couple hours. Yay. We have been trying to clean a part of the house on each day of the week. Except Friday which is an off day. But, this week we missed two days and had to make up the cleaning today. And Saturday is already bathroom day so it took awhile. Fun fun.

After cleaning house, more errands. We drove off to Roseville to find a lamp for the bedroom. Wow is lamp shopping boring. After that oh so thrilling experience, back to Auburn. We stopped at the butcher and I got a steak for bbq. Dinner. Then downtown for a wine event. I got an email from Carpe Vino, where I am a wine club member. There annual sale is today, wine and liquor. So we headed there next and arrived just after 3. The shades were pulled and door locked. Weird. I reread the email, turns out their store is 12 – 5 today and the sale event 12-3. Oops. So what to do? We headed up the hill 1/8 of a mile, on foot, and went to their store. Turns out the sale continues to run. All I need do is place an order from the rather extensive list and I am still in the vino! I get a 24% discount for being a club member. Nice. I will order soon. But, while here I purchased a couple nice bottles of sipping tequila and a red wine for dinner. And picked up my club selections from last two months. I can see lots of drinking tonight.

Emily drove me to the Honda dealer to get my car. She took off for home and I went to Safeway to pick up the Rx. I have been getting emails from the pharmacy all week that something is ready. So I get to the pharmacy, give her my info. No Rx. I try Marika and Emily and no Rx. They told me sometimes the “system” does that. I went home.

Guess what? We drank tequila. Sampling from each bottle. They were different with no clear winner. I think. I think Emily’s taste buds had a favorite. But still, both very good. I also opened the red to breathe. They don’t breathe in those bottles with the cork in. They drown?

I grilled the sirloin. 2 lbs. Took near 20 minutes. Added some potatoes and a salad. And, of course, aforementioned breathing Cabernet which turned out to be very good. We like good.

Go ahead and guess what we did after dinner. Go. You will never guess. Ok. You would guess if you’ve ever read this blog. Bad TV. And plenty of it. Very relaxing, almost narcotic. The best in bad. Bedtime.