After Christmas Sale

It’s Saturday after Christmas. And I slept late. Till 9. I’m thinking that was a belated gift. Even Em slept in which helps me stay asleep.

We did finally get up. The dog and cats need feeding and they get a little insistent about it by walking on us or knocking things off the table. That tends to get us up.

We were moving slow all morning. Cleaning up. Eating. Got the paper. Drank some coffee. Usual morning. I figured today I had nothing to do. All guests gone, furniture put back, tree up till the 31st so nothing on the schedule. That is until Em said she wanted me to build out the pantry. I had promised to donor but like a day off more.

The rest of the day, about 5 hours, I cut shelves, put up braces, nailed everything down. Cleaned up the mess from all the sawing out on the porch. Cleaned up the pantry of sawdust and bits of materiel. Made a few trips to the waste bin. Done. There is more storage space than before. I am not convinced more storage is good. Just leads to storing more crap.

Once I was done I had to hump all the tools out to the workshop. The shop is out back about 100 ft from the house. And it’s dark. Enough whining, it’s just a pain.

After all the nail pounding and clean up, I spent the next hour helping Emily rearrange the what and where of all the cabinets. I would have preferred root canal. Emily is insane when cleaning or rearranging the house. I am calm if not involved. I can only say it was painful but we did finish it. It could be an improvement. I won’t know until a few months down the road and the rearranging has stuck. If it’s just a larger mess, we have lost.

it’s late, about 7, now what. Drinks. I made a couple bourbon cocktails and we watched TV till 8. Good news, we still have leftovers to reheat. Which describes exactly what we had for dinner.

Now we sit in front of the TV and wait for it to be late enough to go to bed. I think that number is 7. Emily thinks later.

This is not like last night. We went out with friends for a little wine tasting and a nice Italian dinner. Stayed out and up, late. But you can’t do that every night. Tonight we are staying in, and up till 10. Almost the same. Bedtime is a coming.