Doesn’t Feel Like Saturday

I slept in again. How many days this week have I said that? Maybe I’m retired and did not realize it.

I have some plans for today. I am going to wash the trailer (outside), wax too and same for Marikas car. She is complaining some about it. Usual crap, has to go to work, shower, blah, blah. I dragged her out in spite of the drama. Emily also stepped in though I had not asked her to. We get all done and Marika heads off to get ready. I took the trailer down the hill and backed into the garage. Put away clean and shiny for next trip.

Emily has plans to go to Rocklin and Roseville for shopping. So I am not able to do any other chores right now.

I went back up the hill and went in to check on Marikas progress. Her progress tells us when we are leaving. Why? Not sure. She is driving Moms car to work then on to a party in West Sac and I am sure followed by a trip into Dixon to visit friends. She will be back tomorrow before work. Prob at 230. About as late as she can get ready and still make it on time.

So she left and we loaded up and headed farther down the hill to where all the heathens reside.

Now I’m not much of a shopper. Never have been. I’m not today. What am I doing today? Shopping. Emily is a shopping pro. I married her. I tag along. Sometimes it’s fun. Today was ok.

First stop, the clothing exchange. I call it that because that’s what it is. In reality, you sell your clothing to them for store credit or cash. I would take cash personally. Emily takes credit hence the exchange. More used clothing in exchange for hers. See? Crazy.

next to the junk store aka Home Goods. They sell some nice things and a lot of crap. We bought a shelf which does improve our lives. It will be a good location for most of Emily’s excess clothing. Frees up a drawer for me. Woman has too much clothing. I am not to far behind. Problem is storing what you aren’t wearing. That’s why she has a shed for shoes.

We went to the fancy mall next. We are looking for advent gifts as well as a little crap. I ended up with a new Christmas shirt and a cookie jar. Neither of which I need but wanted just the same. Emily did a few purchases as well. It’s a thing.

We made it home by 7. Too dark to finish washing cars. We instead made dinner and drinks. I also tested a cocktail recipe by making it four different ways. I don’t have a true recipe I like for it. So I have been monkeying with it. Happier now but still not completely satisfied.

We finished all up and went to bed early. For a change. Tomorrow is daylight savings or some such bull shit. Want to be rested.