Mostly Travel Day

We got up early. About 740. Got showered for first time since Sunday. Every 4 day’s whether I need it or not. I need it. Marika went to the showers right after me. She definitely needed a shower.

Turns out Dad wants to take us out to breakfast. Which is great cuz we stopped to hang out with him for awhile and this is enforced hanging out. In a way.

Breakfast was a little crazy. The cafe is packed at 10am on a Thursday. Does no one work? Place was hoppin. We had a fine breakfast and headed back to the casa. We want to get out soon enough to be home before dark. We are not sure if the power is on yet at home. It’s only been 5 days.

We left at about noon. Shld be home in five hours if all goes well. We are pulling a trailer and it takes longer. Nothing to say about the trip (yay!) except it would be better if gas stations were next to the off ramp and I don’t need to drive all over creation to find the gas once I pull off the freeway. Word.

Trip was steady and boring. We hit traffic, a bit, in Elk Grove and North Sacramento but all else was good time.

Got home by five. Parked the trailer, hugged the wife, hit the head and unloaded the trailer. Then cleaned all the stuff I made dirty while camping. Started the laundry loads. All the fun stuff that comes from being gone. Great news, the power is on.

oh yeah, Emily missed us. I can tell cuz she made a roast with all the fixings for us. Marikas friend Jut came to dinner too. I guess he missed her. We had cocktails, dinner, wine and even dessert. This is what we get when we leave her in peace for a few days.

The kids left at that point to see a movie. We cleaned up and went to bed. I fell asleep almost immediately. I’m tired here.