Only Taco Day

As far as days go this one was the most vanilla.

Workout same. Got coffee after. Shower. Dressed. Finally something new, driving the race car on a Tuesday since #1 car is getting boosted. Always fun to have extra horses under the pedal.

Left for work speedily. That means fast. I am fast because I know what I’m doing. Drive was slow. I daydreamed. Missed my exit. Oh well. Had to go an additional 2 miles and backtrack. I’m fine with it. Get to see parts of Sacramento no one wants to see. Thank god its daylight.

“Late” to the office by 10 minutes. Nothing going on. I like that. I have time to go thru my emails and messages before I jump into work. Today’s tasks were mundane and many. One tax return finished. A couple hits in audit related crap. Two hours in hold with the IRS. I was just saying loudly “fuck this shit” and hanging up and the drone came on the line. Lucky me right? He did not solve my problem in our twenty minutes together, just made it more confusing. Gotta call again tomorrow. Oh goody, more hold time.

My call ended near six. So, after a day of freezing in my fridge of an office, I headed home. Swiftly. Today on the drive, whenever chance allowed, I drove fast and “raced” other cars. They may not have known they were racing, but when they fly by me the shit is on. I had an amusing drive. Got to Auburn, on 49, and I blocked out a Nissan Versa for three miles just so it couldn’t pass me. Now that’s some good times. After he passed way out at the end where the speed limit ticks up, I used my superior top end and acceleration to zip past him. Just for fun. I had to show him what a waste his speeding to get in front was. It’s lovely.

I used Lone Star Rd as a race track once I made the turn off 49. No one out in the rod so I can just GO. And I did. All turns, lifts and 90s as fast as I can go. It’s one of those days.

Emily was already home. And our Taco Tuesday was sitting in the table. She got me a mix of birria and costillas de puerco. A very fine combonacion, no?

I do look forward to my carniceria meal every week. Today it was the high point. Sad. Working out with the girl is everyday as is the race car if I want. But good Mexican food is only on Tuesday’s or if I leave Auburn and go where there are real Mexicans. Like Dixon. Where my homeboys are.

Emily is in the kitchen grinding the glass charms she made yesterday. They are going with her to yoga camp on Thursday. Yes, adults do go to camp. All women so no place to go raid. And no lake for other shenanigans. Not as much fun as I remember.

We are watching bad TV. Some music competition that Emily really enjoys. I like it but like most TV, I can do without it too. Maybe I can go to bed when it’s over. Then I can read a bunch, which, as you know, pleases me.

But, for now, it’s TV. And all the intellectual challenge it brings. All of it.