Today is clear skies and sun. Got up to 80. A nice day. When I walked Emily to the car at 630am it was freezing. Not always perfect.
I did get in a fine workout. We managed to leave early enough that we got full use of the back room for our workout. The bikers take over on Tuesday and Thursday for spin. All four of them. They spread out like a dog pisses on a tree. I guess they don’t want company. They spend their hour talking and spinning I notice, no sweat and no one out of breath. They are just in the way. Today we got it. Fuck them.
Back to home. I am trying to figure out my new cold brew device. Not having much luck. First batch was lousy. Mostly due to poor instruction. Fixed that and it’s somewhat improved. Tonight I will try again and not put in fridge. I think it works better at room temp. It did when I was using the not so cool jug method. We will see. I will advise on my success.
Marika and I took my R car to service. The tire warning light is staying on. I figured it had to go in shop. They reset it in 30 sec and I was on my way. Like a broken computer, they know where to hit it.
Went back home. Finished screwing with the coffee. I hope for better on next batch. Grabbed my water can and lunch and left for work.
I swear I don’t know how I keep from crashing the car. Everyday going to work I am falling asleep. Every. Day. I have to get or make coffee as soon as I get to the office. Every. Day. Is this a good reason to retire?
As of late yesterday my computer was not working. I did manage to forget. When I arrived at the office I realized I had planned in bringing fresh batteries for the keyboard. Oops. Had to go to the mini mart. The new ones did not help. So, next up I took my non working monitor and hooked it up to another computer. Worked fine. I put another monitor in mine. And it worked. Wtf? Still no working keyboard. Used an old model from the back room and it worked. Then I tried moving the wireless keyboard sensor from the cable it was plugged into to another plug. And it now works. Again, wtf? My IT guy was dumbfounded as well. No matter. It’s working
Not sure what I managed to get done today. I worked a few hours. Must have done something in the way of constructive labor. I need Aracept I think.
I left the office around 6. Emily is getting home later than usual due to a massage appointment so there is no need for me to hurry. So I didn’t. Traffic was light and I drove slow. I was in Rocklin by the time Emily called. We figured we need to create dinner and she left that to me. I thought about it on the drive and decided to just stop somewhere along the way. Which I did. I called Emily from the parking lot and texted her with no answer. By the time I got her she had already passed where I had stopped. Too bad for her.
We had Vietnamese food. And pho to go for the kid at work. Meal was great and cheaper than usual. A win. We got the pho packed to go much more securely than last time when it ended up in the parking lot cuz the containers melted.
After dinner, head home. Home, fee animals and got ready for bed. Earlier than usual. I like that. Been blogging from bed for an hour. Now sleepy time.