Taco Thursday

Ok, it’s not, but I got my mind on my tacos and tacos on my mind.

Actually bacon wrapped pork is on tonight’s menu. I was hoping for leftovers, we have meatloaf. But, Emily thought otherwise, so pork it is.

I have started with dinner. Mostly because I am writing at dinnertime. Otherwise I might review all the other exciting things that happened to me today.

Dinner was excellent, had green beans and sweet potatoes on the side. Best of all I got to wash the dishes and empty the clean ones from the dishwasher. Awesome fun!! I am now watching bad TV. The end of a fine evening.

Day began poorly. For second night in a row I woke at 4am and did not resleep. That’s my new word I made up.

Usual morning crap with feed cats and people, make Emily an excellent lunch that she complained about and did not eat. Mean word. She could make her own you know.

Coffee for all including my new cold brew. I have had a few days at it and I am very good at it. Marika agrees. It’s unanimous. Emily does not drink cold coffee. Her loss.

The rest of the day was normal. We worked out. Managed to pry Marika out of bed.

To home after, got the usual done, shower, shave. Dressed for work. Left the house early even. Bad news the goddamn hwy was shut to one lane right before 80. So, it took 50 minutes to get to the freeway. Six miles. Love it.

I did finally get to work, 50 minute delay be damned. Not much going, except many tax returns. Not much else all day. Couple of visitors, my work associate Hal came to discuss cases. Nothing new. Friend Bob came by to pick up a tax return copy and we talked about the weekend. Michael is coming home tomorrow and Bob was hoping to see him. So we tried to work him into our tight schedule. Will have to see. Not much else happened today. Worked late but nothing exciting.

Trip home was far better, read faster, than this morning. Only excitement was stopping to pee. That’s fun.

Got home and we had to put out the garbage and clean the house a little for the visiting kid. No, I don’t know why I would clean for him. Moms idea.

Then dinner, which you already heard about. That’s a wrap.