It’s Here

This day is not starting so well. My newspaper was not delivered. I really hate missing my paper but I also hate walking a half mile round trip down the hill and back to get it. Or in this case, not get it. I am sure y’all remember the incredible story of trying to get my paper delivered. That stretched out to months. I spoke to anyone who would answer the phone at the paper to complain about service. Turns out fulfillment is by another competing paper. So I can call them if I have a delivery problem. Of course, they refer me back to the other paper and the other calls them. I think you see the problem. No paper.

Emily just called, her commute today was like greased lightning and she wanted to gloat a little. Good for her. I have a feeling my drive will be shit. Don’t know yet.

My am routine got changed up a bit. Marika actually got up and joined me. Had breakfast. Spoke a few words. And went back to bed. Ahh, youth.

At least I have this part of the day. I can sit in peace and have a little reheated coffee in the quiet of the morning. This morning it’s cool, no heat rising. I think today will be nice weather. Summer has not come to an abrupt end. I know Sunday will be hot with temps up all next week. But I will enjoy this. Both Em and Marika complained about the cold. Weird. I have been looking forward to it for the last couple weeks. The coffee is only passable.

On my way out, I saw the unthinkable!! Unimaginable!! Impossible!! My paper had been redelivered. I am flabbergasted. They have never redelivered same day. Shocking. I have no time to read, got an 11am. Tossed it on the seat and drove away happy.

I have only one appointment today. Old time client for his personal taxes. I am sure it will be a pleasant spot in a boring day. Also, it’s Friday so I have to pay the minions. Also, go to the bank to cover the payroll. At least I have some checks on my desk. The balance of the day will be spent doing the tasks I enjoy so much. I wonder if I could catch up on all my work if I liked doing it? Or got here earlier? Nah.

We have friends coming over tomorrow. We talked about going to a local distillery or some such. Gonna fix dinner, of course. Rhubarb dessert. Yes. More cocktails. Most def. So on the way home have to get supplies. I do need tequila.

The day went as planned. Boring with appointment. Finished some work. Went to the bank. Paid the underlings. Too much.

Oh yeah, forgot the news of the day. The EDD, i.e. California payroll Nazis, sent me a check for $1100. Refunds going back about six years. The refund for 2013 was $.02. Really. I can’t figure out why I get a refund. Not gonna ask. Gonna cash the check. Gonna be an awesome weekend!

Got home. In good time. Decided to go to Dingus McGees for dinner. It’s been on the side of the freeway here for forty years. So we went. Now, I don’t ever have to go again. It is not worth a trip. There are far better places to go. One of which I will go to on my next opportunity.

After returning home we spent the balance of the evening cleaning up. We got guests coming tomorrow. It gets the house clean.

To bed late. And tired