Next to last. I would normally rush around doing everything I missed out on the last three weeks but we missed doing everything so no rush today.
Last workout today. We bought two weeks worth of workouts and today is last. Sad and glad.
Of course, this being leave eve, Emily is in the clean mode. So we have quite a bit to do. Tomorrow we have to be out the door by 130 so not enough time then.
Anyhow, we spent time cleaning. The kitchen. The bathroom. The living areas. Good times.
So we spent about four hours worth. Emiky mostly. I ran errands. Went to hardware for paint. Went to post office to ship back all the stuff that does not fit into the suitcases. And a couple gifts. Shipping all this crap is like paying for it twice.
I did have a couple special errands as well. Marika had requested I pick up a couple of whoopee pies for her. Pistachio from Kel-Mat and blueberry from Al’s. I can’t successfully ship them so I have to hand carry them home. I can only hope my friends at the TSA can handle them. Those cretinous bastards tend to confiscate everything. For safety. Right.
Went back to camp to do more work. Love it. Emily was done enough that we decided to go to lunch instead of keep cleaning. Cool. Funny thing, we went back Al’s where I had just been. This time though we got a pastrami sandwich to split and a blueberry whoopee pie to split as well. It’s late and we can’t eat too much because here on last day we have a pressing social commitment. In three hours we are going to the Kadunc’s for dinner. Gotta leave room for that.
Back to the camp. We managed to find enough to do to keep us busy till we went to dinner. About 3 more hours. Emily is fanatical about her cleaning. No prob, I had plenty to do.
We quit working at about six. And went to the last supper with Ed & Helena.
As always, I brought my porta bar for the cocktails and they supply everything else. Like hors douvres, wine, dinner and dessert. They put on a hell of a spread. Tonight’s piece de resistance was the frozen lime pie. Not key lime, just lime. I had an extra piece just to be sure it was as good as I thought.
We hung out after dinner for a couple hours and a digestif or two. Yakked too much. Usual. Said our end of summer goodbyes and headed home.
Tomorrow is the big travel day and more cleaning because we have about four hours free in the morning. I look forward to it.