Tuesday Morning

It’s Tuesday evening. I can’t remember my entire Monday. Would be a waste of headspace, I think.

I know Monday started as usual. I went to work out. Very exciting. Wore me out. I remember that much.

I went home. Cleaned up and drive to work. Ok. That’s all a definite. I did spend the day at work doing work things like ignoring the phone and staring into space. Love it.

Tonight we are hosting Leahness, her husband Trevor and toddler, Amelia. Leah is a friend since birth of Marika. We have known Leah’s parents since before Leah was born. We’re tight.

Good news. Trevor is a chef and he is making dinner for us tonight. When is the last time that happened to you? First time for us to have a dinner guest make dinner for us. Very nice. All I made was cocktails.

Very pleasant evening. Fun had by all. Time for bed.