3 Day Weekend

Ok. It’s not. But, I have not blogged since Thursday and it’s Sunday and that’s 3 days ago. 3 day weekend.

Friday was a workday. First runner up was an appointment at the IRS with a group manager and auditor in order to close out an audit. It’s pretty much been a fiasco since I discovered the client funded her $250K charitable contribution 8 days late, making it non deductible in the year being audited. The adjustment will cost my client over $80K. Not a good thing. I believe we can push it to the next year when it was funded but it gets complicated. And the group manager is an asshole who will want to audit 2016 if we move the deduction. Things like this really tend to ruin my day.

I still have another appointment to go today. But, I was back in the office earlier than that. And since I got back early, I decided to open my bottle of high proof tequila, which finally arrived, and all of us had a shot or two of tequila for lunch. A nice way to forget the troubles with the IRS.

At one, my final appointment showed up. A physician client and his pharmacist wife. They both recently retired. She always brings food for me. Today I got two kinds of dim sum and some chicken feet. Yummy! I got their taxes done, printed and paid for. A nice end to my day. Except I stayed till 5. Plenty work.

Left for home. Stopped and got some cocktail citrus at the grocers. You never know when that will come in handy. Like tonight when I get home. Most likely.

Hey, what do you know, I had the new high proof tequila and limes. Together on the same bar. I made whiskey sours. Fooled you. Seemed fitting. Then we hung out till we were ready for dinner. Emily suggested she go get nachos from Beach Hut so there you have it. Whiskey sours and nachos. Dinner of champions.

We watched a little more TV after and then went to bed. We have a lot of chores planned for the weekend.

Saturday. Nice day. Emily went out to run errands. I stayed home and did yard work. Weeded. Till 330. That’s a lot of weed. Emily came home some time before that. I left the house to run my errands. I needed to buy better lemons, mine are awful. Also, I am out of cocktail picks. Some garnishes require them you know. A must have. And again I need more limes. Am expecting company. You can see from my list where my head is at. Just so you see I can balance things I picked up asparagus too.

Back home, sadly not cocktail time yet. Close to 430. Still more work to do, this place needs a catch-up all the way around. Mostly it’s the yard work but still putting things away that we moved. And throwing away a few things too. By a little after five we quit. So, I had high proof tequila and limes. I am not thinking whiskey. I made margaritas. They were very good. So we sat around, post work, eating chips and dip and drinking. Fortunately I had taken some chicken out of the freezer this morning and managed to remember to marinate it. So I started the bbq and we sat and finished our drinks and had seconds, mai Tais, and cooked dinner and relaxed. We have a big day planned tomorrow what with chores and more chores and an appointment after we go out to breakfast. We live fast.

After our chicken dinner we watched some TV and then went too bed. Like I said, we live fast.

Sunday morning was a break from chores. We went out to breakfast at Katrinas Cafe. Place has great food. And we like it. And we gotta be in town to meet the metal building lady at 1030 anyway.

We enjoyed our meal. Seems the place has sped up food delivery and speed of service since our last visit. Everything was moving like lightning though they really did not try to move us out fast. We could sit as long as we want but every other aspect was kickin.

We were done by 940 and out the door. Since we got out so early we took the car to the car wash and did an Emily job on it. Which means we cleaned like hell after the car went through the wash. She likes a clean car. Really clean.

So after clean car, we drove up 49 to just past Bell Rd where the metal building display is at. No office, just a building with sign on it. Debbie the metal building gal was already there. Emily got to meet her for the first time. We were there to sign the contract and make a down payment. Which we did. Now I have to get concrete foundation in process, go to county and start permit process, and do the site plan. In six weeks we get the metal. And it’s a garage, just like that.

After our trip to town, back home. You will never guess what we will be doing today. Unless you are one who pays attention. Then you know. We had chores. Emily cleaned the inside of the house. I cleaned one car, thoroughly. And I swept the driveway. To which you say so what. And I say, the driveway is a quarter mile long. It’s a lot of sweeping. And we are on a hill. It took awhile.

I finished the driveway. Then hung the garage vacuum. Putting things right little by little. Then went inside and emptied out the dining room of all”move in” crap still there. That was an improvement. And since it was still early, we went out back and weeded for a couple hours. It’s not Sunday it’s funday. Am I right?

All good things end. We came in and sat. No cocktails. Just sat and watched TV. It’s very relaxing after a day of work. As is blogging.

We are making dinner right now. Andouille sausage and grits. It’s gonna be awesome. By the time we are done it will be bedtime. I live right.

Okay. I forgot to publish. So let’s talk about Monday.

Lots of excitement Monday. Well, if you consider the usual hour I spend on morning chores exciting. I don’t. But it’s a job.

I worked out with the trainer for an hour this morning. For anyone that has ever worked with a coach, you know the drill. They make you do painful exercises over and over, correctly of course, until you collapse. And they laugh. Well, not laugh, but do offer encouragement. My workout seems simple but every time I do the exercises I am in pain for the next day or two. Right now it’s Wednesday morning and and I am in serious pain. I worked out Tuesday as well.

Anyway, workouts are about an hour of S&M. Or it seems.

Then back home to get ready for my day. Got to shower and change. No one wants post work out Bill around without cleanup.

My day was empty. No scheduled appointments. I have to finish up the large pain in my ass audit that is going on. The one from Friday. I hate audits like this and I don’t respect the IRS group manager I have to deal with. I need to retire is what I need. I am not enjoying this.

I have a few other audits to clean up and get rid of. One going well, the second not well and the above abysmal outcome. I need to retire. Or give these audits to someone else.

So that was my day. Along with many other mundane tasks I do everyday. No change there.

Emily called on her way home. Not much doin, just usual complaints about job and traffic. I am designated recipient of those complaints.

I left about five. No dramatic events, all the way home.

Same for evening. Three weeks will be summer vacation and all the day to day will be more relaxed and entertaining. Thank god.

Tuesday has something to look forward too. Taco Tuesday. But that’s end of day.

This morning same as yesterday. Only difference, self directed workout. The trainer gave me a written workout to follow on my own. Which I diligently did. Nothing new, simple exercises that if followed to the letter lead to collapse at the end of each set. I think that is the idea. Workout a set till failure. Which is a lot easier than you may think. My workout only took 40 minutes. I’m probably doing something wrong.

I had a 1030 appointment this morning. Back taxes for the client, his mom and dads final tax return. I was 15 minutes late. Oh well. His appointment took two hours. Yikes. Lots to do. Dads final it turns out included two years of a probate estate tax return. Something he was not even aware he needed until I pointed it out. So it goes. It was four tax returns.

I had another appointment after that at 12. First appt ran to 1230 but he waited. This guy was what I would call a Trump Tax Act refugee. He wants to lower his taxes but the new tax act made it impossible. Almost. I worked with him in the creation of a valid business that will probably lose a lot of money and thereby lower his tax expense for the next four years. This process took over an hour. Since the business is not open yet the planning process involved how to best structure the income and expense to give him maximum tax advantage. Basically, he wants to “lose” money. Though he needs the profit potential or the business may not be deemed a business. Which the IRS may see as a problem. Hence the advance planning. Need to follow the rules.

Once he was out I moved on to mundane tasks of the accountant. Not exciting. Not thrilling. Just jobs, day to day, that keep me going.

Emily called later. She had carniceria goodies and was headed home. So I headed up the hill. Again, no excitement in the trip.

Got home and we enjoyed our Taco Tuesday feast to which I added a little tequila for spice on the side.

Some bad TV after dinner and we ended up going to bed by 9. I must be getting old. I like going to bed early. I am old. Of course, I get up at 530 so I have a right.