Sorry. It’s Been a Few

I have not blogged since Sunday. Forgive me father. I have not had such a gap since I started this “daily” blog a few years ago. No real reason except extreme fatigue, not a moment free in my schedule, only sleeping 5 1/2 hours each night. I know, cue the violins. But the days of work do cut in to what I like to do.

You, perhaps, would like to be brought up to date. Well, whether or not you do, I am going to attempt it. And complete the task. Something my daughter should pay attention to.

Emily was still in Disneyland Monday. I worked from very early to very late. Nothing exciting or notable occurred. I just worked, for pay, like a squirrel storing nuts for winter. No comments, please. But that’s it, I get while the gettings good.

Emily returned Tuesday and was able to skip the drive into Solano county to drop off friend Barb and her daughter. Barb’s husband was in Sac so he grabbed them and took them home. Saved Em two hours. But she did not go to the carniceria because that’s in Dixon. Too bad. Save time, lose tacos.

Again, Tuesday was an all day work day. Same as every previous work day. Head down, meet clients, call clients, email clients, prep taxes. We both know: thrilling.

Worked till near 10, I feel a cold coming on, and went home. Quick meal and to bed.

Wednesday, I am full on sick. Probably a bad head cold. Sore throat. Hacking cough. Phlegm. Yummy. I go to work in spite of the creeping crap inside me.

My clients who came in today stayed the hell away from me. I was not the picture of good health. I should not be at work but it is crunch time and I am working. So I worked all day in complete misery but I did work.

Marika is supposed to be coming home tomorrow. But you can’t depend on her at all. I don’t know why she bothers to say she is coming home when she doesn’t. She went to Hawaii and can’t seem to come home. Yes, I know exactly what you are thinking. Who is the boy she met? She doesn’t say anything so I am 99% sure that’s what is going on. My daughter is a complete idiot, but at 23 you do believe you are right and all is perfect. 30 years later is when you realize how incredibly, embarrassingly stupid you were. If I’m lucky, I will be here to say I told you so. And I will. I so will say it. With gusto.

On another note, I got home late and had dinner. Went to bed. Em rolls over and says “your idiot daughter is not making the plane.” Who coulda called that? She is an idiot.

Thursday morning Emily and I took the new car into the shop. Just some add ons for weather and styling. Should be done quick they say.

I went to work and Emily headed home. Nothing going on at work, just the usual. And I will not say more. I did have a client come by with a homeopathic remedy for my sickness. Sposed to suck on a liquorice root (stick) all day while drinking black tea with turmeric, black pepper and honey. I tried it. I felt good for 15 minutes and then went totally nauseous. I spit out the stick. Dumped the tea. Though once the nausea subsided, I felt better.

That was my days excitement. The balance of the day was work. Also, Marika claimed, via text, she would be flying in Friday morning. Well, I am not stupid. That’s a 23 year olds domain. I went to bed and did not even set an alarm to get up and go to the airport. I was correct. No girl.

Also, shop called. They ordered wrong parts. So now we need to wait for them to get that done. Minor.

Friday morning, I feel much better. Spent the first 30 minutes coughing, hacking and spitting. I think that’s a good thing. I am hoping my sickly condition improves to the point of general good health. Today. Please.

This morning, mid morning, the shop called. Car was ready. Emily and I got ourselves ready. That means I got ready and sat for an hour while Emily finished getting ready. The usual. At this point I have been married thirty years so I actually don’t mind. This is how it works.

We went to pick up the car. No big. Paid our $$ and hit the road. Em went home. I went to work. I stopped at my local bank, I have banked with them 30 years. Just not at the Auburn branch. I need to cash a check and I figured they could help. Wrong. They refused. Assholes. I have cashed checks for years at the Dixon branch of First Northern. No hitch. Never any issue. One try in Auburn and no. Assholes. Say it twice to make it nice.

I drove off to Sacramento, after a cup of coffee from next door. I know where to go. When I hit Sac I went to Chase bank where I have an account. I went to teller, gave her the check and all she said was “how do you want that?” No problems here. Got my dinero. Simoleans. Cash.

To office. Turns out I had no appointments. I had not checked the schedule except to be sure I did not have am appointments. So I worked all day. Tax returns, phone calls and emails. The usual.

Worked straight thru till about 720 when Emily called from across the street at Seasons. That’s a restaurant at the mall which we had planned on meeting at for dinner. Which we did. Seasons is a favorite of ours. Favorite of friends. We eat here often-ish. Often considering it’s nowhere near home.

Dinner was good. Emily had a cocktail waiting for me when I arrived. Nice touch. We ordered a nice meal, I had pork tenderloin. They always do a good job here. I was stuffed at meals end. I did not have dessert.

Home drive was fun. Emily was in a mood to race and we worked our way home, up hwy 80, at a high rate of speed. It was fun. Limited weaving in and out of traffic and very fast. Em usually doesn’t move like this. Fun drive.

We got home and unloaded our crap. And relaxed. Watched some murder porn and just sat around. Finally went to bed. Em had fallen asleep by the fire. She is worthless in the evening. I am really tired. Marika may fly in at 4 am. I am waiting on a call. Maybe this time.