Friday on my Mind

This morning I was thinking that today would be a productive work day. Not sure why I think these things. You would think I might have learned something by this point in my life. I have not.

We did manage to get up kinda early. Emily is going to school and then to Sacramento for a massage. Priorities. I have a regular day ahead of me. But, Emily wants to do lunch since she will be in Sacramento around lunchtime.

Emily left at about 930. I showered. And then, made the mistake of deciding to check my email. I have a. Purple of home addresses I only check from home. Keep work and home apart. Though in reality the separation is not so separate.

I have not checked either of the in boxes in quite a few days. Opened the first one, 519 messages. It took awhile to get through. The 2nd address has only about a hundred. I managed to out of the house by about 1115. Somewhat later than I had in mind.

The drive was pleasant. The day is warm and sunny and there is no rush hour at mid day. Emily called about 1130, on her way to Sacramento. We are going to meet. I figured I had about an hour and a half time to work before lunch.

Got to the office. My only set task was cleaning up my desk and office. And, fun fact forward, I did not get the job done. Getting jobs done is difficult, especially when you want to get the task done. In my office I have to deal with the constant interruptions that keep me off task. What fun!

Emily called about one and we met for lunch. We went to a local place at the mall. I had soup and she had a salad. A quick lunch. Maybe only half an hour. I got back to the office, but not too late. But, interruption time, I had to go to two different banks, long story on that. But it makes the trip that much longer. I got back to the office about 415. See how I lose time? Sucks.

I did manage to get some work done in the next three hours. Cleaned part of my desk and office. Not all. Got payroll done. Filed some crap I had hanging around. I worked three hours and have little to show for it. Left work about 7.

Drive home was very nice. Freeway speed all the way with light traffic.

Got home, Emily was watching TV and doing laundry. She had already fed the digs but had not made dinner. We decided on leftovers, my favorite, in this case Turkey soup. Easy to make dinner – reheat the soup. Bake some biscuits. Done. The soup was better as leftovers.

We ate in front of the TV. We are not going out so this is the big night. Will watch through a few cheesy programs and go to bed.