Nothing Special

Today was the real weigh in. 154.2 for those keeping score. I think I went up 3 lbs. not worried. But, it is the week of Christmas so I got four rich meals in front of me through next Tuesday. If I am able to hold my weight even, I will consider that a success. 

This morning was not normal. Marika was here so things were a bit confused and disordered. I did all the usual things though I forgot to make Emily’s breakfast. It does not take much to knock me out of the usual morning chores. Today is the last day of school before vacation so she could go out to lunch. 

I was going to go by the Verizon store this morning to ask about my account. I also was going to by a Christmas gift. But right before I went there I got a call from Emily to bring some supplies to her class. So, I went there with the stuff and skipped the Verizon errand. 

Surprisingly, my daughter was working  in her moms class. I was surprised  to find her there. Funny, I had no idea she had planned on this. Strange. 

From the classroom I went for coffee. for some reason is needed a second cup. 

Time for the office. Sadly, o drove to work. No stops, no detours no frolics. 

Work was vanilla. Now vanilla has its place but work would be better as chocolate with caramel sauce. It was slow, and steady. I have work to do. I had one appointment. But, it’s 1020 pm now and I can’t remember any parts od my day. I did receive a box in the mail. Champagne and bottle of booze I am giving as a gift. That was slightly exciting. I also had a visit from a client and we sat and talked for an hour about nothing in particular. 

Our need for another vacation was the impetus for me to cruise hotel and air prices. Mostly to Hawaii. My visitor put on to cruise sites to check those out. I must say, cruises are cheap as hell. We might do one. At least worth a look. 

On may way home I called Emily. Told her I was headed to Verizon and we should meet there and go to dinner. She agreed. She has a bad cold and is up for anything that makes life easier. At Verizon I did get all my questions answered. They could not sell me what I wanted because they had none. I headed across the street to Best Buy, called Em and she met me. Best Buy was out so I could not get it there. While at Best Buy, I used my phone to place an order online where I could find what I wanted. To be delivered on Friday. No problem. 

We went to dinner. Thai place on the way home. That’s how Emily picked it. Food was great and cheap. That’s a good pick. I should eat there more often. Generous portions too. 

Back home finally. Nothing going on. We cleaned up things. I opened all the student gifts Emily received while she wrote down who gave what. Mostly a smattering of Starbucks cards, mugs and candy. The usual. 

We sat for some time and watched TV, and then the news. Again, the news had nothing newsworthy. Actually kinda boring. Finally, we went to bed.