Happy Fake Thanksgiving!

Man was it cold last night. The trailer was not as warm as I wanted. Emily has her personal summer to keep her happy and I just lay next to her and bask in her glow. But my other side froze. Another blanket would have been nice.

Also, there is no toilet in the tear drop. It’s a small camp trailer with some electrical and a nice place to sleep. What does this mean? Well, when you got to go in the middle of the night, you kick open the door, let out all the heat and go do your business in the front yard. Can’t go in the house in the middle of the night.

Back in the trailer. A little cooled off.

Our fake T day started out with a full carbo load breakfast. Emily got cinnamon rolls and coffee cake at our local bakery. Crazy how we start an eatin holiday with a huge amount of food. And we had the champagne I brought. Which is a must at any holiday. But only three bottles.

In honor of fake T day Michael and I took the cars to the detailer. It’s very inexpensive compared to where I live. So when I come down here I go visit.

After cleaning cars, went to grocery store. A few items left for a perfect dinner. Only a few it turns out.

When I got home my cousin Gerardo and I made a lemon meringue pie. Came together very well. One of the best I’ve made.

Next up started getting the phones connected. As I mentioned, we made the big switch from ATT to Verizon. And I brought phones for Michael and Dad. So had to set them up. I couldn’t do it earlier cuz their current phones would have cut out and I wouldn’t be seeing them for a week. Since fake T day was coming I just waited till now to set them up. Strangely, my Dad did not have a conniption when he got his new phone. He really hates change. Really. Michaels phone could not have worked worse. Some stupid message kept coming on the screen which truly angered him. Things like this get him very angry. But it’s now too late for a call to help line. Trip into the Verizon store tomorrow.

Next up, fake turkey day dinner! And crazy as it is, it was exactly like real T day. We ate too much of all the food. I love turkey day food. We ate the entire turkey. All 20 lbs. of it. There were almost no leftovers. Yikes. We ate 75% of the pies. Which is sad because I love pie for days. Love pie. We finally stopped eating when there was no more food and almost no pie. We drank quite a lot of wine. Sadly, we started with a case and three bottles of champagne. Now we have 4 bottles. We were thirsty.

After dinner we watched TV. And just like real T day there was football on today too. It’s Saturday so college football all day. And we watched. Michael and I worked on the phone for awhile too. To no avail. Tomorrow. I went to my trailer.