It’s Like Kansas!

So we have a houseful. That would be daughter and grandkitty in addition to our four fur covered beasts. It’s about as houseful as we get here in the apartment. Soon, we hope, move to new place in Auburn.

Had quick contact with agent. The seller acknowledged getting the offer. Step one. Now I need seller to accept. I’m ready to go.

The weather today is not so great. Gale force winds which brings extreme fire danger. Temps are high, in 70’s. I hate the wind. Auburn is at an elevation that gets very little wind. Yay.

Breakfast was back to usual. Back on track. I have moved to transition which means I get more calories and carbs. Actually all I get is one extra cup of any vegetable every day. But that’s a big change. I get a new add on every week for four weeks. Then I get to eat real meals after that. It’s so awesome.

Marika and I are going to the bank and maybe phone store this morning. Gotta get cash for house downpayment and still trying to unlock all phones. It’s taken two weeks so far. ATT is a bunch of cheating bastards. And not in the good way you are thinking.

Realized I have an appointment in my office at 11. Change plans. Do less now. I called client and moved it a half hour. Should be ok.

Marika and I left the house and went to Starbucks first. Her idea. After that, having realized I forgot my safe deposit key, we split up and she went to get gas and wash and I went home for key. I drove to Em’s bank to make a deposit and then to the bank. Where I met Marika in line to cash checks.

Now the fun starts. We went into the safe deposit area to access each of our boxes. I needed something and she was putting her crap in mine. Save money. This type of action inside a bank really bothers the bankers. Fuck em. We each took seperate cubby rooms to get our box opened and she passed her stuff to me over the wall. See, thats something banks hate. No cameras in here because box contents are protected. No one saw. Then we step out and tell the key gal that she was closing hers and I was returning mine to the vault. Problem, the lock on my box broke sometime after it was opened. It could not be locked. Since my stuff was in it I had to wait while they tried to repair it. 20 minutes. Now I will be late. After 20, one of the three working on it realized the box Marika closed out was available. So my crap went in there. And I was released from hell.

I went to get gas because my light came on. Always when in a hurry. Then went to office. 45 minutes late. Great. Was a new client and a referral so she really was ok with the debacle. We had a speedy conference about her deceased mother’s taxes and she was off. Nice.

Hey, just an aside. Yesterday Marika found the exact chair I was looking for in a consignment shop in Petaluma. And about $500 cheaper than in Restoration Hardware. Deal!! I want it. She called the store today, and called to tell me, they actually order them if you want one. Not really a consignment shop. But I get my chair cheap!!

Next appointment came in on heels of first. Long time client Robert. In the middle of a divorce. Still filing jointly with the ex because she is not an ex yet. We were able to catch up on things and finish one of his past due income tax returns. A good day for him.

After last appointment, nothing. Paperwork. Which you all knew. That never changes. And I can never remember what I did. Boredom does that to you.

So Marika stayed the whole day. I had thought she was leaving today. It’s more fun when she is hone. She called late in the day so I finished up and headed home.

With a refrigerator full of leftovers, Emily decided to have steak. Just like last night. I bbq’d them. They were great but I have lamb, chicken and fish leftover in the fridge. My wife just hates leftovers.

Emily got a migraine so I did all the dinner prep. And after dinner Marika and I went shopping for essentials like dog food and jello.

Now back home we are laying around. Emily is in bed asleep. She is always claiming sickness. Cryer of wolf. Marika is here watching TV. I am not watching, just typing. TV is destructive to the soul. I am going to bed.