Offer Taco Day

Remember yesterday? Offer day? Well, no offer going in yet. Sellers agent on vacay for 11 more days. 11 more days of torture and waiting which are the same. 11 more days of worry we won’t get the house. 11 more days of worry we will get the house. 11 more agonizing days of being unsure of everything. 11 more days of looking at listings “just in case” even though I don’t want to look. I have picked the girl. Now time to dance with her. I hate how this is working out.

Woke up an hour early, daylight savings crap, again this morning. Laid awake listening to the dogs snore, the cat snapper, the wife snore, the clock tick, damn this place is noisy. Finally got up. Screw it.

Does everyone know what happens in my morning already? Good. No need for a repeat story now. One new thing, I used the new “bread” to make Emily’s lunch. It’s made with cauliflower so it’s basically a zero carb alternative to bread. We have been making our own for at least a year. Including making pizza size cauliflower crust. For homemade pizza. And, just gotta day, cauliflower bread is better than any crust or bread. Seems weird but I say you gotta try it before you reject it out of hand. Especially the pizza. It’s shockingly good. So, back to where I was, Emily got a bbq chicken sandwich on cauliflower bread. I will wait for end of day for the report.

Emily is out of the house to work. I have been working (texts, emails, etc) and now getting blog started. Very important to blog while all is fresh in the head. My brain goes stale quickly. I am not sure if that’s good or bad. May be neither. But, fresh is good for displaying my my lack of knowledge and ignorance in greater detail. That’s important.

Time to review emails on the computer, accounts I don’t access with my phone. I do this so I can tell people hey I don’t have access to email, when they call. Gives me an excuse to ignore them and not do work when I’m out and about. That’s a good thing.

Hey something funny just happened. I jumped up to unstick Roomba from a corner. Not that. But my right foot had gone to sleep while sitting and I didn’t notice. So I managed to go splat in a rather painful way when I attempted my first step. Left tripped on dead right foot and bang. Nothing broken. Left big toe in some pain. What fun. I would say be more careful but who knew that could happen?

Off to shower and get ready. Ok, I’m ready. Off to work. What fun. Another day at work. I love my work. If by love you mean dislike.

Spent my day…. working. Surprise. I did get a call from a client who wanted to meet up at end of day to go over the tax plan his dad had setup. He has been trying to finish up the plan. Requires specialized insurance. His dad hired an idiot who placed him in an unworkable policy, plan-wise. Not sure what we need to talk about. Except the insurance, which is a thinly funded term policy and total crap. But gives the agent a big commission. Not such an idiot.

So anyway, worked all day. Then came The Meeting. Which was an interesting event. Frank, the patriarch, whose health is failing, used his walker to arrive. He has lost 30 lbs. His middle aged son who is taking over the business. Me. Hal my associate in charge of all things insurance. And the idiot insurance agent Frank hired, Steve Bertino. Moron.

Thanks to Steve we basically had a 45 minute brawl over why Steve the idiots policy choice is not workable. What fun. Steve yelled a lot. I did not add to the heat and stayed quiet. Or spoke quietly. Frank sat and did not move or talk. Hal tried in vain to get Steve to not be stupid. I could see that was pointless. So with nothing really finalized, we adjourned. And I went to the carniceria. Which is a good end to a bad day. Arrachera combo, costillos con nopales.

Also had a chance to call our agent. She is working the other agent problem. Other being still out of town. She made valiant attempts to contact her. Tomorrow she goes to the broker to get this thing moving. Yay. In new house by Christmas.

Now I sit here, days end, typing. And watching anything but election results. Mostly reruns of bad comedy. Election results are worthless. And they annoy me. Obviously Emily too. So we get Tim Allen on TV. Which is funny.

So I blog and watch TV. Seems fine. Gonna go to bed soon. None of these things annoy me. Happy things.