Sunday Saving Time

On Tuesday California gets to vote on whether to get rid of daylight savings time. I already voted absentee. I said get rid of it. I hate the way they screw with my circadian rhythms. Government can not control time.

Today, Sunday, is the day the hour back hits. That’s because last night we turned the clock back. It doesn’t do much for you the night before.

So, Sunday morning, we are heading up the hill, yet again, to see another house. Even though we already have one we want to make an offer on. Our agent came up with this new one she thought was so spectacular we had to see it.

The arm went off at 630, the appointed hour to get out of bed. Emily realized first, we forgot to move the clock back. We get another hour sleep! No, I am not sorry for my vote.

I couldn’t sleep anyway. Extra hour be damned.

We managed to get up, get ready, get our crap in the car and get to Auburn in time to view the other house. I am amazed.

The other house. Agent advertised this one as better in all respects over the one we chose to make an offer on. It’s also almost $200K more. So I want to see $200K more on the amenities. We spent an hour going through the new prospect. The kitchen, as advertised, was amazing. The best part of the house. The rest of the house, good to very good. There was a very nice pool. With the usual nice concrete decking and outdoor area for grilling. Nice but not excellent. There was a barn which with some improvements could hold three cars and maybe two workshops. And that’s it. I see it as $200k for a pool and a slightly nicer kitchen.

So we made the big decision. Stick with Ellen Ct and make an offer. Should go in to the seller tomorrow. Of course, her agent is on vacay so it could be a week before we get a response. We like the house, and seller pulled it off the market. She made an exception for us. Seems positive.

We discussed with agent and headed down the hill. Again. We had decided in advance to do a little shopping on the way home. Advent is upon us and we would prefer being ready for it rather than the alternative. So we stopped at a couple different stores and found a few things. Nothing crazy but we are now a few days into advent so we were able to buy a few days.

For those of you unfamiliar with advent, you get a small gift every day of December leading up to Christmas. So twenty four gifts. We do this for the kids and each other. And it’s plenty of work. And you have to be done by the first of December, at the least. So em and I both spend a lot of time each year on this. We are crazy, as you have already ascertained.

After the stops in Rocklin? we toodled on toward home. The siren song of shopping would not quit. So we stopped in Woodland for our weekly grocery stop. Why Woodland? It was on the way home. Nothing special, just convenient.

Back home, the big unload. Then I cranked up the bbq and got the leg of lamb ready. Dropped it on the grill at about 250 with some hickory smoke. Should be ready in 3 hours.

Over the next three hours we sat around. By that I mean Emily cleaned the house and I did laundry. And washed my car. Watched a little good TV (and you thought it was always bad) and that’s about it.

Dinner was excellent. A bottle of Pinot, some spicy curry cauliflower and the lanb. Just great. Now we sit and watch the awful TV portion of the evening. It comes by every night. Kinda sad.