Shave and a Haircut. Not 2 Bits.

Tuesday and there’s a red flag warning. Good news, I don’t live out in the middle of nowhere so who cares about wind. Go ahead and blow, tear the roof off wind. Which has happened in the past. But not now. Because I live in civilization and the houses that surround me tightly break the wind (like my old dog) and make the weather better. Last years red flag weather created the fire storms you may have heard about. We hope for better this year.

I have a haircut and etc in an hour. That’s a big morning. And it’s taco Tuesday too. Big day. Also, I have had about 20 texts from a client since last night into this morning. He received 19 IRS notices in the mail yesterday. That qualifies as a lot. So I need to see him this afternoon, with his notices, and talk him off the ledge. He is a little fragile. Another personal counseling session.

Right now off to prepare for my day.

After the shower etc I am off to my first meeting. With the esthetician, Rachel. Always a nice visit and she doesn’t charge enough. Bonus. Rachel was born same day as my son. I met her when she was in kindergarten, which is strange. She is feisty so we get along well. I know full well she would haul off and whack me if I go to far. The fun is being on that edge.

Next up Becky. She cuts my hair and has been for so many years I forget. At least twenty. I appreciate longevity in barbers. We never talk about what I want (a haircut) she just does it. And we spend the time passing gossip about the people in our town. It’s fun. When I get home tonite I know Emily will ask what I heard. She likes gossip too.

Finally driving to work. Violated the vehicle code again by talking on my phone while driving. I am such the scofflaw. My associate Hal has requested time to discuss clients. Especially the one whose partners lawyer had called me yesterday. Twenty minute call regarding what we need to do with his plan. The opposing counsel has suggested her clients buy out my client and I agreed that would be on the table. I am to touch base with my client and call her back. But not soon. I don’t want to appear anxious.

I have managed to finish a couple things. I went through all emails and cleared them. I finished a tax return and just received efile forms so it’s done. Now we can do his 2017 return. It never ends.

Onward. Time for correspondence which is my absolute favorite thing to not do. I had a couple of client notices from the IRS. Both the same type, late filing penalties. These are no small thing. The penalties can be obnoxious. I responded to one last week and the penalty was $8400. Yikes. And they are complete crap. I do have to respond to each notice with a letter to the IRS the explaining why the return was late and begging forgiveness in colorful and interesting language. Almost all of my abatement requests are granted so I presume I am good at it.

I finished the last two letters and drove away from the office at a good clip. The best way to go. Traffic was kinda heavy for the first four miles or so and a cruise after that. I drove to the grocers in Safeway and purchased some suede cleaner for my shoes. A friend had suggested K2r, a spot remover but they had none. This crap is expensive. Four oz can is $9. Ouch

Across the street to Lupitas for tacos de Tuesday. I ordered no tacos. Combonacione de adobada y de Chile verde com tortillas. I love Tuesdays.

Next stop home. And I finally get to eat. Open some mail. Read a magazine. Usual. Pet the dog. Cutting edge stuff going on here. I am going to clean my shoes, unlock my cell phone and make up a comparison chart in our 4 hopefuls in the home search. Busy evening.

Ok. It’s end of evening. Strangely, I had not enough time to do everything I had planned. I did all save the comparison chart. It’s tough to get anything done. Or so it seems. Or maybe I should plan to do less, then I have matched the plan to what I did which would be a success. Right?

Btw, the shoes look fantastic.