I Won Lotto!!

$1.6 billion!!! My share, $4. Still a winner. If anyone needs a buck, call me, I have the name of a lender for you.

Weigh in today. Used two scales. Last week I bought a second scale because my regular digital scale has been bullshit. So what happened? The old scale weighed same weight twice at 153.4. New scale was at 155. A self created conundrum. I will go with the lower.

In honor of weigh in I went off diet for an hour. Ate all the disallowed carbs. Whatever. One hour is not going to ruin a diet plan. That’s my plan and I’m sticking to it.

Got to be ready early since I have to take the kids car in for service today. Should be on time. Easily. I say with confidence of someone who is habitually late. No, I’m off to get ready and go. Things to do.

Got a text from my bank. They declined a charge due to daily limits. $8k for software renewal. Had to call the bank and get a one day increase in limit. Good till 5pm. I called software company and they tried again. Worked. Why I have to help is beyond me.

I made it to the Honda place on time. We started with the usual. I told the service manager what I needed. She asked a few questions and, of course, suggested a quick inspection , etc, since it’s a used car blah blah. She is looking for work. But, it makes sense so I said ok. I got a ride to Enterprise and got a POS Ford Focus for the day. And zipped off to the office.

The day was the usual. No tax returns finished, though. I did a bunch of paperwork and who knows what. I can’t remember. I spent a reasonable amount of time looking at houses and speaking to a real estate agent. I did have to act as a goalie of sorts for a clients real estate loan transaction she screwed up. I had to email a few people and take a few calls on a transaction for which I never got paid. I did do her taxes but was never told about the loan or asked to provide a copy of the taxes to anyone. Now I am put in this position to defend my clients virtue. Lovely.

Hey, really great news. Today I received a five figure piece of my accounts receivable. And it’s old AR so it’s like finding money. I was able to pay the software renewal take a couple grand for me and I’ve money left over for expenses. Things are looking up. This glow should last till Friday.

I called the car repair. They found nothing seriously wrong with the car. Plenty of undone maintenance, some of which was pricey. I said no to that, the pricey part. The kid can handle the expensive stuff. I had fluids flushed and changed. They told me be here by 6 to get ur car.

It was 4 so I figured leave by 5 and I get there on time. Good plan.

So I drove to the bank to make the deposit and get cash. Came back to office and did a little cleanup. Left at 5. Smooth.

Problem. Traffic was horrendous from the moment I reached the freeway. It was slow, thick as molasses, and ugly. I could not get to the repair shop by six. So I called and the service manager said she would wait for me. That helps. Good thing they know me. Really.

I got there a little after six. All happy. I tried to credit card my invoice. But it’s after five and old limit restored. But, good news!!! I had the cash. Problem solved. All say goodbye, and we head out. Of course, I have a rental car. Office is closed. I had to drive it back to their office and drop the car and keys. And then walk back to the car dealer to get my ride. Fun never ends.

On the way back, I stopped and looked at one of the new cars on the lot at the Honda dealer. Very nice looking. A fully loaded 2018 Accord. Very nice. I would not buy this one, it’s an automatic, but still very pretty. A salesman showed up and I decided to test drive one of the other models I have been reading about. An Accord turbo. Nice car, wish it had more power. But I really enjoyed it. She noted they had a Civic R on the showroom floor. Which is crazy because they sell so fast. So I just had to check it out. It has a twin turbo set up. Lots of power and low weight. But no test drives allowed. And it’s expensive and they only get 3 or 4 a year. So it is muy precioso. No discounts given. And I got this from the dealerships new general manager. He is a tax client of mine. So if he can’t get me a smoking deal on a Civic R I guess I’m screwed. He cut the mark up by 50% but that ain’t making me buy it. He can’t get me a test drive. Hell, he can’t get his own test drive. Though we did have a nice chat for a half hour. I have not seen him in a few months.

I finally got on the road to home after seven. Emily seemed ok with it. She had not made dinner as of yet. We grazed in the fridge and came up with two different meals that we ate together. Eating together is more important than the meal.

I had been trying all day to get ahold of my realtor Linda. We have traded messages all day. And not the fun way like it was in school when I was a kid passing notes. I am going to her office tomorrow. Last call to her at 9 pm and no answer.

Emily and I watched TV for the balance of the evening. No surprise there. TV sets your brain on off or pause which puts you in a mood to go to sleep. Hence it’s popularity. Nothing else doin today.