Working Wednesday

For years, like 20+, I have stayed home on Wednesday’s. No office. Since kids moved out I have less reason to be home on Wednesday. But, Emily seems to prefer I stay home anyway. She always seems upset when I go in on Wednesday. I do not get it. It’s not like she is home.

Today I have two appointments. So in I go. Working midweek does not really bother me, though even my employees are confused. Though I do understand why they don’t want me around. Don’t care. It’s my popsicle stand and I can do what I want.

I managed to arrive by 11am. Mostly because I was thinking my first appointment was at 11. It wasn’t. It took me a few minutes but I got it figured out, it’s at 1. At 1 I found out my appointment did not get the message it was at one. So I called her, and we decided to meet at her place at 130. So Hal and I, Hal is going too, went out to her restaurant. Before I left I called appointment #2 and reset it to 330. No problem.

My client, the 130, owns a restaurant and we are meeting there. This means Hal gets fed and he likes that. We were there to discuss advanced tax planning. Client is an equity investor and sister of majority owner of the place. So we came to get her on board with how this will all work. It will work well. It takes about an hour to explain whet we want to do. And half an hour for questions. She doesn’t pick up on things quickly. She got the idea but it was like feeding a 6 month old.

We left there about 3 and I got back to the office about 325. Just in time to hear my next appointment canceled. Moron. I texted with him a couple times and we reset for end of next week.

The rest of the day was the usual. Just administrative tasks and moving paper. All very exciting. Two hours worth.

I drove home at top speed, top down. It’s starting to get cold, even during the day. So I am thinking of putting the car in mothballs till spring. I stopped briefly in West Sacramento and gassed up. Holds ten gallons, cost $40. Yikes. Been awhile since I put a full tank in.
Continued my drive. Stopped again at pharmacy. I had a conversation today with our vet about the stupid poodle. She has been, the last few months, peeing inappropriately. I don’t mean accidentally. She just squats in he house and goes. Sometimes right in front of us vet thought might be a few things. First thing we are treating is a possible yeast infection. Which is why I went to the pharmacy today and picked up ketaconizole. For the next 28 days I gotta jam a poll down her throat. I hope it works because the next treatment is pills too. After that vet says may be dog is getting senile. That’s easy to believe.

Got home and Emily was away getting dinner. So I sat around. She finally got home and it was time for dinner.

After dinner a little TV. Shocking. Soon to bed. Perchance to sleep.