Seven Days

Marika just drove away. We had gone to he German Bakery for coffee since my delivery is still not in. The bakery does not have the greatest coffee butbit is the closest to the house. That counts for a lot. For both of us, a trip here is difficult. You are required to walk by the pastry case on the way in and out. The kid and I both love pastries, more than any other sweet. I am a baker at home because I love the outcome, fresh baked goods. I used to have a job making cakes, cookies and breads. I think they call that baker. Anyway I love the stuff. Both Marika and I are on a diet and almost where we want to be. Last night we blew it out and ate ice cream cake after dinner. Had wine with dinner. All that means no more cheating today. Sadly.

This mornings usual duties went quick and easy. Of course, there is no coffee to make. Remember, I get it free which is why I don’t just run out and buy some. But all went smoothly in spite of an extra animal and extra person.

I am out to work early too. What a day. One stop to mail a package and I am on to the office.

Well, getting here early just means more fun. More time to do more work. That’s what I want. Not.

I worked continually all day. It is 7 days from deadline so there is plenty to do. Thinking about it now, of course, nothing stands out. I know that makes the job sound really exciting but that’s how it is. Boring at times. But it does consume me. And get me paid which is the most important part.

I left work early to go to Cash and Carry to pick up cupcake cups for Emily. Used at fall festival. They have lids which keeps the disgusting little fingers out of the cupcake. Anyhow, good deed done.

No traffic trip home. Back to normal. I got home and my stupid Cocker had pooped and peed on the floor. I think I need to kill him. That would work. Or lock him up. Forever. That would work. I am tired of cleaning up after a 15 year old dog with no bladder or bowel control. It’s not fun. It’s a little less than fun. No, wait, a lot less than fun.

After this debacle, Emily came home. And missed all the cleanup fun. Again, less. So, I washed my hands. Then we fed the little fur covered cretins. Not all of them suck, just the cocker.

We made some leftovers for dinner. Steak from last night. And a salad. Nothing else because we are lazy. It was fabulous. No wine. Still good.

After dinner it was nothing but bad TV. Some music show Emily loves. I could do without it. But there’s only one TV and it’s a small house. But 2 hours long? Yikes.

So I have blogged for awhile. At least something I enjoy. Soon I get to go to bed. That I enjoy too.