Another Workday/Workweek!!

Yes, those are meant to be sarcastic. I don’t look forward to work, I look forward to not work. And I look forward to the ultimate long weekend, retirement. My Dad has been retired for 35 years. All you actuaries go to hell. Maybe I am more like my Dad than anyone thinks. 35 years. That’s a big number. And it continues.

Well, every workday is a step towards that. So, that’s a positive reason to go to work. That, and my bi annual CPA license mailing is due. That’s important. It’s my license to steal from the public. Lol. I am just kidding. It’s a license that allows the POS Board of Accountancy to steal from me. Money, time and energy. I hate them with a great passion. I will tell you no CPA has ever been a great fan of over-regulation. Or regulation for that matter. We deal with morons at IRS and other do nothing federal and state agencies. Those morons tell us what to do. Amazing. We ought to regulate them. They will all be the first ones up against the wall when the revolution comes. This is what one interaction with the regulating authorities can do to you. Put you off your Wheaties.

Let’s forget about that till I get to work. Won’t be long. Or not long enough.

At work I managed to get my license renewal packaged up and finally mailed. At least, I did it just after my first appointment. Which lasted 3! hours. Yikes. Client Gabriel needed three returns done. Hence the long time to end. I still need info for the 3rd return, maybe tomorrow.

After Gabriel had left, finally, I was able to start working on my day. Though it got interrupted several times. I got to work some on the building sale. Which is really going poorly. The bank holding the first is being a dick. They want more money. Though the sale price covers their deed of trust, they have legal costs they want me to pay. Won’t happen. See, the bank is still pissed that a marijuana recommendation clinic had been a tenant in the building. They hired attorneys who dutifully billed hours to them to the tune of $40k plus. So bank now wants me to magically come up with more money. I want a solid gold pisser. We are not going to be disappointed. But I had to speak with the attorney and my agent today. Still don’t know where this is going.

Not much else to do today. Mostly just phone calls. I spent a great deal of time on several calls with Michael. He was buying his first car, down in LA, and I came into the proceedings several time to answer his questions and keeping him from getting screwed. I spoke to the sales manager and finance and salesman. Glad I got involved. That took up quite a bit of time and broke up the day to the point of inefficiency. Anyhow, the dealer did try to screw him out of $1000 by putting something on the car he did not want and then not saying anything. Gotta love car dealers. We ended up with a decent deal and I am sure he will be happy. He pays and I can be sure he will respect what he pays for. I hope.

By the time I did all of this stuff I had to leave. I had to deliver a check to my architect so had to get moving a little early and head downtown. Architect had called with an update on variance and asked me to pay him. I had a nice drive over but added time by missing my exit. Not a lot of time but some.

The drive home May have had a little more traffic than usual because I left earlier. Not sure I mind really.

So home. Made dinner. It was the exact same thing as last night. Loved it. Turns out stupid dog had crapped all over. One good thing, I wasn’t there. And, the nice rug he used to like to crap on, I put it up a couple days ago so he could not shit on it again. And he didn’t. I am so smart.

And dinner was excellent. Thank you.

So I ended my evening blogging and listening to bad TV. It’s lovely but it entertains me.

Time for bed.