Dog Slept Well

I can see my day developing in front of me. 16 more hours of CE to go. 4 trips to the bathroom so far, and it’s only 915. Related? Probably.

Emily bought danishes from our very local bakery. With how my stomach is feeling, I can’t eat one. I will save it for later I hope.

The poodle is doing fine after yesterday’s marathon visit to the vet. The dog will outlive us all. In the end of time it will be the cockroaches and my poodle. The other dog is walking the razors edge. He is just old and screwed up. There is nothing to do for him. Vet gave me some trazedone to hold down his anxiety – constant pacing, shaking, panting. I gave him one at bed time. It was as if he had died. He didn’t. Just stopped moving all night. It’s a blessing.

I am trying to get ready to leave.
My tummy feels like crap. I get ready between trips to the loo. Sorry, not sure how to politely describe it. I should be out of here in 30 minutes.

Emily is joining me in Sacramento at he end of the day. We are going out to dinner at a favorite place across the street from my office. Her plans put her in Sacto early, about 430. I won’t be ready then. She can hit the mall for some light shopping to kill time. And spend money. Maybe that is why she suggested this little outing?

Still at home, seated. Hoping for a cure soon, please. Some days are just not fun. Today, so far, is that day.

I kind of got better all of a sudden. By better I mean I felt I could go get in my car and go to work and not have to stop for a bathroom break every ten minutes. Strangely I just all of a sudden improved.

So, drive to work uneventfully. I like that. Drives should be orderly and peaceful.

Office was quiet, very few calls or visitors. I could really get used to that. Only two worker bees in today which adds to the quiet.

You will never guess what I did today. Wrong. I spent the day doing more CE. Fooled you. But, I am finished!!!! I get a break for a few months. I am relieved. It’s nice to be done. I still have to finish he packet, add $120 and mail to the Board. No problem. Monday.

I had enough time in my day to prepare payroll, cut up the danish and macaroon and share with the other two and do other paperwork for a change. I had forgotten what that is like.

I had a long conversation with number one son. We had to discuss all things car wreck. He is still trying to settle on what he is doing. He may pay to fix the car. Or he may take the cash offer. He is still unsure. He is far to contemplative for his own good. I think he will end up buying a used car and junking the wrecked one. It’s just easier.

Emily called about six, she had finally arrived at the place across the street. She was in Nordstrom. I finished up and joined her. And by finishing up I mean I have to come back after dinner for an hour and finish up. Got to have my packet ready to submit.

I drove over to the mall, got my free valet parking at the restaurant and joined Emily in the mall. We lasted about ten minutes. Hen off to restaurant and a cocktail. Old Fashioned actually. We each had one. Dinner was nice. The joint was not as busy as it usually is on a Friday. Service good and food excellent. Would be nice if it was cheaper but all things considered I had a great time and a nice meal. What more can I ask for.

After dinner I did what I had said. Emily got her car and went home. I got mine out of hock and went back to the office. I had plenty to compile and copy. Write a check. All sorts of crap. Nothing fun or funny. Then I hit the road. No traffic, it’s late. So I was able to maintain speed and make good time.

Emily did not call all worried till I was five minutes out. That’s very good for her. She worries. I guess she still loves me.

She was already in bed when I can in. Every animal was too. So, I cleaned up and got my heinie ready for bed. Just needed to finish the days blog and it’s off to dreamland. Please.