Haircut Plumbing Repair

And no commas. Although they do save lives. Which is how English teachers justify their existence.

Today is another huge day. Huge. MAGA. I have a haircut at 10. Ok, it may not seem like a big deal to you. But a haircut is not everyday. And my stylist, I need style, is the largest repository of gossip in all of Dixon. So not only will I look fantastic when done, I will also be very well informed on all matters of import in Dixon. See, huge day. Maybe even get topical material to opine upon for your entertainment. Now I have your attention.

This morning, a morning like any other, was. You expect more? Emily is sitting with me. She is wolfing down her oatmeal as always. And she says I eat fast. She does this every day. I am having coffee because I just finished my meal of PB cookies and German chocolate cake. Birthday sweepings of a sort. And now I blog. Emily just passed the empty bowl to the dogs. Like always. Helps to keep them fat. Like cake and cookies for breakfast.

Today will be a short workday. I have at least two errands to run. This morning I have to buy a dozen cupcakes for some teacher thing for Emily. Yes, I am her personal slave. Also, I have to leave early for home because we have a repairman coming to fix the shower handle. The handle, plastic, shattered because I thought it was there to turn the water on and off. It wasn’t. The valve is a bit stiff and difficult to turn which when combined with a cheap handle can be a bit problematic. My point, I have to leave by 4pm to meet the repairman. Last but not least, I have to go to the finance company and make the payoff payment on the S2000. I am sick and tired of dealing with these turds so I am just paying off the loan. At least I think I am. They find many reasons to NOT take money for payment. Not kidding. And since the loan is not in my name they may refuse payment. Again, would not be the first time. I am not looking forward to this because I have had a few wasted trips to their office. I hate them. A – L Financial is a horrible company. You have been warned. I am off to clean the shower, for the repair guy. Emily needs it clean actually. Then it’s shower and outta here.

Ok. So I learned something on my first errand this morning. I went to the Safeway Bakery to get one dozen cupcakes. Seems straightforward, doesn’t it? It’s not. I searched high and low. And high and low again. They don’t sell them individually. I can get two dozen. I can get four packs for $4 each. No. I can get a dozen minis. I can get a ten pack. But the one thing they don’t sell is one dozen. And I did ask. No reason given. I looked at the gal, smiled and said “Wal Mart”.

Nice drive to Wally World. To their bakery,which is generally considered sketch, and found that they sell 12 at a time. One dozen. Hooray for team me. I purchased said cakes of cup and dropped them off at Tremont. Walking to my car I heard a hey! behind me. I turn. Some gal I have no damn idea who it is. No voice recognition and no glasses on. I had to get close enough to touch her before I realized it was Terry K. Oops. I explained my dilemma too her – I’m blind and deaf and I do remember her having known her only twenty years. I see her daughter and husband more often than her. We brought each other up to speed on our families. Usual stuff.

I drove to work. No traffic. Gentle drive. Not sure why everyone complains about the commute. I sure don’t. I like driving.

My day, as I said was shortened. I did manage to finish the two tax returns dropped off yesterday. Client is aupposed to be in at 330 to pick up. Leaves me time to take off at 4 to get home for repairman.

I did the usual other tasks I do every day. Same old crap. At about 145 I left for the bank. I need to get a payoff check certified for the loan company I mentioned above. I got to the bank at 150. Sign on the door “closed for lunch”. Really? A bank closes for lunch. For an hour?! Not much choice, I waited the ten minutes at the door.

At exactly 2pm, two women obviously just back from lunch, come to my side of the door and unlock it. I think the boss might say be back a couple minutes early and not by skin of your teeth. No matter. I stepped up to the counter. And the teller proceeded to obliterate my transaction. 15 minutes and no cashier check. Slow, stupid, poorly trained. With an accent. She had to call for help and the help did it in 2 minutes. Morons.

I drove off to the most unpleasant loan company in America. I hate them. But, this is my last act with them. I got there very quick, again no traffic. Walked up to there bullet proof window, they need it, and handed over my check and documents. And they took them. And processed them and gave me a receipt. Without any pushback. I checked the sign on the door, ya I’m in the right place. They saved the best for last I guess. Weird.

Drove to the office. Ok, traffic sucks. Slow and stopped quite often. Five miles in 15 minutes. And it’s only 3 pm.

I got back to the office a little after 3. Back to work till client arrives. At 330 he texted and said it will be tomorrow. Cool. I left. Gotta meet the next guy. Repairman. At my house.

Again I had a fine drive. Emily called about 4, I was near home. She called to go over the remains of the day. Her days are more exciting than mine. We chatted about the worst parts of her day. I think I am a good listener. She needs to tell me everything.

I got home before 5. Repair guy here between 5 and 6. So I got the mail. Did a few chores. Like poopy. Laundry. Unpacked a box from friend Cissie – blackberry jam, some baked blackberry treats, and another birthday card! The cards never end!

Emily arrived at 545. Still no Miguel the repairman. He arrived 5 mins later. He determined what I knew, the handle was broken. Duh. The valve has failed. Duh. No one ever believes you. He left to get parts. Good luck.

So Em got changed. I have been blogging. We are now both sitting. She is doing her Words With Friends thing. I am finally caught up with my day.

So no longer caught up. Days are like that. I was sitting, enjoying the doing nothing thing. Realized. Stupid dogs and cats need feeding. While I was making the dogs food, and I do mean making, I was thinking how nice this part of the day will be when the dogs are finally gone. They are 15 and 16 so my thoughts are timely. Jax, kidney and liver problem, gets special dry and half can of special wet food. About $2.50 per meal. And his large pill from the $90 bottle and half pill from the $131 bottle. See, make food. See, better once gone. The poodle still eating regular food for fat old dogs. No more dogs after these. I also had a snack while I made there dinner. And no, I did not reach into the wrong bag and eat dog food. Though I have seen that happen.

Repairman just got back. I wonder what he would say if he knew the only reason we fixed the shower tub faucet was for the cat? She loves it when we turn it on. I would swear it’s the only water she ever drinks. He has the water running in there, I can hear it. Though he said he was shutting off the water not 5 minutes ago. I do not understand. Of course, I am sitting in the front room and only getting my info in a peripheral fashion. I await his verdict.

He’s done. It works. I did nothing. Landlord paid. I like renting.

We had dinner. I made salad and sliced up some of the Birthday Wellington you are all jealous about. It is still delicious.

After dinner I suggested we go for a walk. Surprised Emily. But I need some exercise. So walking around the neighborhood at night reinforces the fact that I have no idea where I am. The houses and streets in this neighborhood are identical and it is confusing. We walked out into the neighborhood and I was completely lost. But, I did have a nice walk around and through the park and the ‘hood. I need to go for walks more often.

We came back and had dessert. Friend Cissie had included blackberry cheesecake brownies and a blackberry pie bar. It’s nice to have friends with time to bake who care enough to share what they bake. Because I have dessert. Very nice. Delish even. Thank you Cissie.

The rest of the evening is a little TV, as usual. And some sitting in this hot house. I need to shut the doors and turn on the AC if I want to sleep well. And once it’s cool, go to bed.

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