First Work Day

You really know vacation is over when you have to return to work. Sucks.

Emily was out of the house by 730.

I had the usual morning. Got up and fed the dogs and cats. Made a large pot of coffee. Made brekkies for Em and I.

Marika and I got ready to go and went to our Dr appointment. We share the same doctor. We were on time for a change. Nice chat with the doc. Back home by 10. I got my crap together and went to work.

Oh yeah, an aside, we did stop at the German Bakery on our way. Em has called, the Bakery had made rhubarb danish. And Marika informed me that an Americano was cheaper than a regular coffee. Who knew? Her, not me. Will have to try the cheap Cappuccino tomorrow. Still seeking the better coffee I had all over Europe.

Drive to work seemed longer than usual. Or is that just dread? I made the office by about noon. I really hate work. I don’t want to do it. I should retire. So in the office I go.

Everyone was there. Crazy. Even had two kids in today. After I got settled, that would be five minutes, I was accosted by Walker to get two tax returns done. Then Katrina with her list. Then Carol. Then Cara. Tell me again why I come to work? Later in the afternoon all the phone calls started. All the nice people who have been waiting, patiently, to call me my first day back. I hate this. But it does remind me why I go on vacation.

The work day from noon to 6 was the usual. Though the only work I finished was one of the two returns Walker needed. Everything else was me digging out of a pile of shit. I mean work. And talking to people. As I had said, the usual.

Well all good things must end. I headed home about six. A peaceful drive with few interruptions. Those days are few.

We BBQd country pork ribs for dinner. Corn on the cob and a salad. Cocktails before and after. A nice relaxing day.

Everyone went to bed early. We are still suffering from jet lag. I have been unable to stay up and read or even blog. I get tired early. So, off to bed.