Last Five Days

I really need to get back in the habit of daily blogging. I was so doin it ever since I started last summer. I fell off that bandwagon during our epic move and tax season. I was obliterated. And I got lazy. Bad combo. Well, I do intend to be a daily blogger come trip time. That’s eight weeks with probably more to discuss.

But, since my last entry I have been busy. A few days back I put Emily on a jet plane, don’t know when she’ll be back again. Just kidding. She was off to Maine to begin her summer vacay. I am still here finishing up a lot of work that’s been hanging around to long. And it’s alot of work. I just spent the entire weekend in the office. Fun.

I sold my truck last week. A client of mine bought it. I have had the F350 about 10 years. And I sold it for twice what I paid for it. Win for me. It was handy on the farm but I just don’t need a truck here in the city. Especially a truck that big and heavy. So it’s sold and I am thrilled. More money for vacay. That’s what I’m sayin.

So most of my days since Emily left have been me going into work early and coming home late. Not very exciting. I also am able to stick to a more strict diet and eating schedule. Emily does not stop me but it’s harder to eat well when your wife tempts you. She is the devil. But cute so it’s ok. I am trying to drive my weight down before vacay because there are so many temptations when you go out of town. And I want to try them all.

On Saturday I hosted my daughters 23rd birthday. Just the two of us. She came home for the night just after she got off work. We had marinated lamb chops on the BBQ and teriyaki green beans and broccoli. And no birthdaybis complete without an ice cream cake with 23 tiny scoops of ice cream on top. I put the candles in and sang happy birthday. A little bad without accompaniment but you gotta sing. We enjoyed it. She got presents too which I wrapped. This single parent thing is for the birds. The gifts were oriented towards our upcoming trip – a duffel, a compact jacket, etc. she did ok. I enjoyed our party of two.

On Sunday it was wash rinse repeat. Work all day and Marika home for dinner. Actually she is staying for a few days. That’s nice. I can always use a little help. So we had leftovers tonight and she got another gift, from her grandpa. It was a Kindle. I would say she absolutely loves it. She worked diligently to get it set up and operational. She has been browsing the titles for twenty minutes. Looking for cheap reads. The starving student lives!

I hope we have some ice cream cake later. She is on a diet and I don’t want to push it on her. Then I would be her mother. Emily likes to eat treats together. I try to avoid them, together or not. Marika has suggested twice that we have cake. I have said whatever, you choose. My saying yes could make her choose to do it when she doesn’t really want to. Well, it is working. She hasn’t moved toward the freezer just yet. But it’s almost ten pm and I want to go to bed. And I am. Without ice cream. Tonight we will be good, by that I mean follow our diet. I do have to get up early. I have a meeting first thing. Bedtime.