Mother’s Day

Today is Mother’s Day. A Hallmark holiday if ever there was one. Don’t say that out loud, or at least within earshot of any woman. Hell, don’t even think it.

For many, many years I did nothing for my wife on this day. She isn’t my mom. Last couple of years I have done something nice for her. Today, I was ready to open her gift when she woke up. A bottle of ‘06 Dom Perignon. Seemed nice. She did not want to open it. WTH? It’s her gift to use as she sees fit but it’s for drinking. She is a pain. We might get it open today or not. Now you can see why I never gave her anything.

We made breakfast and coffee. Read the paper. Showers. Cleaning house. She is cleaning since I am crippled. Her idea. That way she can be more of a martyr. Suits her. I am sitting with the cat , that’s Prince/Prints. I am blogging. I have time today, mostly cuz I can’t get around.

We have at least two things planned after house cleaning, we need to go to school and feed the silk worms and then some shopping for essentials. I am not sure what that includes. I know I will get lots more crutch practice today.

Well my entire day consist dnof what I just said. House cleaning, shopping and worm feeding. A normal day. Right? Took a few hours. Seems like a fine Mother’s Day. Emily did not complain.

We got home around five after running all our errands. Managed to buy another gift for Emily. Ain’t I wonderful?

I bbq’d steaks for dinner. Emily put together the rest. Was pretty good I must say.

That’s the day folks. Gripping and exciting as always. Off to bed early.